Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You can say that, a certain someone really want the enemy be physically removed from existence for sure. A 155mm subcaliber shell…



I have to work so a teaser is a nice treat.

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Same here, still working …

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Hang in there battle brother!

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Here’s where we’re at currently.

Next Update Confirmed and Rumored Content

Confirmed Features:

New Test Flight features for aircraft, confirmed by Smin

HE fuze control in battle, confirmed by Smin

New missile/rocket sight for Naval battles and new Naval prediction markers, confirmed by Smin

LERX vapor on aircraft, confirmed by Smin

Confirmed Vehicles:

T77E1, US

Skink, US

Ram II, UK

Scimitar, UK


New rank VI ships for UK, Italy, Germany, and France, confirmed by Smin

Rumored Features:

Stealth aircraft and mechanics, leaked

Anti-radiation missiles, hinted by Gaijin video team, various missiles datamined

SEAD game mode/mission type, datamined

MFD improvements, mentioned by Smin

Current Reliable Leaks:


all I wanted to know is what the event vehicle is

So no Sd.Kfz.165/1 anymore?

F-117 as squadron vehicle? Odd choice considering that squadron vehicles are supposed to be useful

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What discord is this on

There is no such vehicle in this leak, you must have seen another one

Yeah, i heared it from “The Europeancanadian” (Yeah i dont like him either but still)
And from somewhere else someone wrote it on a Discord channel.

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Since when was that rumored or confirmed?

Gaijin’s stance is that Squadron vehicles offer unique gameplay, not necessarily be useful. Many of them end up being useful, sure, but there are plenty that aren’t great either.

Pretty sure the first one comes from the dataminers Discord, but I’m not on it so I couldn’t tell you. Second is from Yukari33. Both of these leakers are consistently reliable, not always 100% but they get a lot right.


European Canadian is not a great source because he covers EVERY leak list no matter how obviously fake. Best thing about him is he posts sources so you can fact check things for yourself.


I dont know, thats why i am asking.

The F-16AJ proposal and discussions (resulting attempts to sell the F-16) is what lead to further negotiations resulting in FS-X later. So they are indeed connected in that way.

To be clear I was not saying the F-16AJ was directly evolved into F-2. I was referring to the AJ proposal and subsequent development of that relationship. The two are very much linked in that respect.


I don’t mind TEC but he and other content creators will literally cover any news they can because it gets views.

I once made a fake leak list just with the goal of getting it featured on his channel and it worked.


Engineers make the thing, marketing designs the graphics. I assure you from personal experience marketing can get things very wrong, sometimes intentionally, to sell something.

For example Boeing has used the word “reliable” and Lockheed has used the word “low cost” in their marketing before.

But like I said it’s off topic and I’m just speaking from a technical perspective

I guess its just my Hopium, i just really want another 10,5 cm LeFH 18 L/28, other than the StuH 42. ;-;

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