Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)




If that’s the call for it, it’s GRB BR is going to need to be higher, or it’s going to be a more cancerous than the A-6E TRAM days at 10.0. The reason why it has to go higher is it’s going to be really tough to acquire with SAM’s, and anyone with two braincells flying it will stay at least 3-5km above the battlefield at all times.

the F/A-18 is gonna be saved for likely a naval fighters update

Which means with a whopping 3 new jets, you can give most nations a new top tier plane
F/A-18 can be given to U.S., U.K., Italy, Germany, Sweden all through various nations they already posses in game

The Mig-29K for Russia

and then for China the J-15 I guess? although russian players would have a heart attack


You know, if I start bitching about something and the factory rework turns out to be ass, I could get Bingo…

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TECHNICALLY the PLZ-05 isn’t a tank-

If it’s on tracks and has a gun then it’s a tank : P LOL

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Just need a US commonwealth vehicle then I get two at once


Edit: my mistake, this is a scale model.


I don’t think this one is though
photo (75)


It’s weaker than the Jaguar Gr1A in GRB. Won’t be lower than 8.7 in air imo and in sim won’t suddenly make it god tier. Id hunt and kill them with total ease in the Sea Vixen let alone Sea Harrier FA2. Remember night battles don’t exist and it will be easy to visually spot

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I mean


Thomas and a friend towing Dora the Sevastopol destroyer


Even at 5km, still an easy kill for the stormer HVM

It’s been widely spread the Hornet would come in December instead, and it’s pretty obvious given the patterns of additions of new major airframes, it’s been like that for the past years, F-16 and MiG-29, F-15 and Su-27, etc, I think you expecting the Hornet now is you setting yourself up for disappointment, not to sound rude here but I think it’s a you issue and everyone else who expected it this update

Yeah that’s what I was going to add, F-18 and MiG-29K, then J-15, with a naval air power theme

I only found a report of 155mm howitzer‘s trial fire, with a photo indicating that there might be an APFSDS, not really any document nor specific ballistic data about the APFSDS round (if it does exist), so I would advice us ignoring that.

Plus: if it does exist, then given the current information on Internet, its data must be strctly classified, so… no.

Pantsir should be able to acquire it because it has great sensors, probably on IRST, likely only because of Image sensing, at least at distance.

Everything regarding radar and stealth ability… what it can detect on radar and when, etc… is all speculation.

Looking at the size comparison, it won’t be quite as small or as nimble as the Gripen, which in my opinion, is still the toughest jet to fence with in the Pantsir in GRB, which is a plus for the Pantsir. So when you lock it, it’s probably going down, especially because it’s best advantage will be at altitude, not low to the deck.

They still haven’t actually modelled PESA though. Pantsir should have it, but the way it plays is basically a fast refresh mechanical radar, and even after like three major changes to it’s scripting, still struggles with interference from random objects/flares/etc.

IMO it’s all speculation still. I really want to see, if it comes, what they put out in the dev server for it. I expect it to get adjusted back and forth for a while because it’s just not going to have an obvious home for a while. Some more BR decompression will help everyone too I think.

J-15 and F-18 are cool, but I’m going to be sick if we get another DOA MiG-29, ngl.

There is another saying that the round is actually kind of subcaliber precision guided munition.

Maybe with 105 Abrams in ground, and in sim like 12.0

What’s in a teaser?
Just few seconds of ping, bang, boom
Instead chill, live, enjoy the weekend …