Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Well maybe youll get another firefly

Tyrenizc is always purchasable, but they usually get brought on D-day packs which usually include them. Comes with a decals for that too.

I stand corrected, I couldn’t remember, and not at my PC rn, waiting for the oven to heat up lmao

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Well, the whole point is, that APHE from unrealistic ball of death is to be changed into more realistic cone. And people are mad about it.

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im tweaking with the boxer rn i want it to be the skyranger 30 so bad

Getting food before reading? Good choice. Just watch out, some people there are truly losing their mind, and you might choke reading.

Reheating some panko chicken for dinner, I did need something to enjoy while eating it…

So extra spalling exists in WT? Damn, didnt know that, but I honestly dont know what these chaps are on, APCBC should suffice on most tanks at their BR depending on the gun-armor balancing.

People just want to keep their one tap dath spheres.

did it reach iranian f14 lvls yet?

Not yet, but slowly getting there. We are at Spanish_Avenger past arc (for some reason)

still a premium you cant buy anymore and havent been able to buy for years, there is also talk of the KV-1 1942 which there you go a KV

At that point just add the T34-75

No solid shot is terrible, you can shoot a tank in the side under the tracks and APHE will kill them. It’s the biggest crutch in War thunder

Hey, its better than what it was before (but still worse than in 2014-2015)

Yeah back when it worked the way it should

i see, so its not another kv1b/kv1e?

No, it has a cast turret but the same armor as the KV-1B/E but it has the ZIS-5 gun. The KV-1 Zis-5 is 4.7 with the 3.7 KV-1 armor. Meaning the KV-1A 1942 will be the same BR 5.0 as the german version with the 75mm gun with 145mm pen. Vs your 96mm pen

So again its not a good addition amd the fact that its going to be a prem on finland which has no real lineup is hilarious.


Any idea when we can expect the first devblogs?

What’s this tik-tok F-18 leak nonsense I’m hearing about?