Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The tree seems very well made!

Though I’d say the Su-30MKM would still fit in my opinion considering it is a unique variation of the Su-30MKI, and Russia does have superior variants such as the Su-30SM2.


I forgot about that one for some reason, well then, thanks. XD

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I disagree on this statement.
The only issues are at 10.0+

no funni hawk-200 ;-;

Japan does have a considerable amount of content, but considerably less than other nations along with specific holes and capabilities in game that aren’t able to be filled by any Japanese options.

I dislike seeing “Japan has nothing left” just as much as the next guy, but Japan is no US or USSR. And for that matter wouldn’t even be with a full ASEAN subtree, though at that point most holes would be fixed.

Only top tier SAM with radar search seems weirdly unfixable. I really hope Gaijin gets around to add some towed weapon so that changes with the towed Type 11 launcher on FCS vehicle combo…



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My bad XD , didn’t add it all

Eh, lower tiers there’s a lack of labelled attack aircraft. early jets are a bit bare as well. Ground wise there’s one LT between 6.7 and 9.0, and it only has a 20mm. So help is still defiantly needed at lower BR’s as well as up high.

Honestly I’m both a Japanese and Brit main, and there’s a bunch of exports that can be added to both trees, but aren’t super well known about, so I push for them in either tree cause I just wanna play em lmao


Man, im loving the APHE thread. The chaos unfolding truly is entertaining.

I am still much ignorant about what APHEs are. Like, arent solid shot the only way to knock out enemy tanks, besides like APCR? I have played the game for 2 years, and I still dont know what APHEs are.

APHE is the round with orange explsion effect on the shell icon. Currently it penetrates like AP, and after it flies for some time it explodes into a sphere of shrapnell.

Hm, APHE seems cool, but I still cant see which nations has access to them. Still, arent solid shots adequate? Like, you know, QF17?

Most nations have acces to it. UK, France and Israel have it on a very few vehicles.
QF-17 does not have any APHE, just solid AP and APDS

The fact that britain doesnt get a firefly with apds is tragic


I haven’t looked in it yet, on a scale of heat to Leo2A4M how bad is the whining?

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Maybe they’ll add a prem version

Stock apcr

Hmmm, i would say between Can Leo and 292 announcement
My proffesional oppinion:
Do not go there unless:
A - you turn off your brain beforehand
B - you get a bowl of popcorn (my approach)

daaaaamn, juicy.

There’s already a UK prem Firefly, doesn’t get APDS though, and iirc not purchasable atm edit: Turns out im dumb, its for GE these days.

And chap wasnt that adequate, and WT is somewhat accurate with it bar the apds. A.C.IV the best minor nation tank of the war.
APHE sounds just like extra kerfuffle aint it.
