Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)



An absolutely gorgeous photo of the vessel. The Tennessee and Colorado classes in particular look so powerful with their wide beam and comparatively smaller turrets… it really does look like a fortress at sea.

I don’t think we’re likely to get a second devblog today, but I wouldn’t say no to it…

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The first Strv 122A was released when most tanks only had DM33, 3BM42 and M829 anyway.

Also a tradeoff with the 2A7 doesn’t matter when both of them are just so much better than everything else.

If Gaijin were to add the Lun to War Thunder, how would they do it?

Would it be considered an aircraft, or a coastal vessel?

Yeah but people only want to compare leo to leo, i def agree they are better than everything else but we weren’t talking about others we were just talking about same vehicles on diff trees


I’d say coastal vessel



Since MANY of the most modern tanks currently fielded by armies around the world is already in game (there are some few ones left that i can think of at the top of my head), Can we expect a majority of future updates to prioritise jets?

or will the priority of new vehicles be mainly on filling tech tree gaps rather than expanding top BR?

If they focus on jets they will reach the end of the line in like a year tops

What about Lum?


Would love to see the SEPv3 in the near future as a Strv 122/2A7 counterpart.

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so, no event devblog and just another american ship…
This day was a let down for sure

Yeah, I was sure they would post the announcement for the next grind event, kinda weird ngl

See i scared Smin away with finnish heavy tink mention

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Well and confirmation about the F/A-18.

God damnit, now I’ll never know what vehicle isn’t being added besides the Bob Semple

There will be a mixture of both moving forward without any need to focus on one or the other. Ground development is not tied directly to aviation development (and the same in Naval) in that regard.


KV-1B, i have read so many god damn journels from finnish battalions and only their heavies arent well recorded. Gaijin wont add it to finland with a difference which im trying to find the commanders name and i know a significant battle it qas in so it would be like the low BR ace pilot planes.

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A) Its a Monday
B) We are only 3 blogs in

So all in all, it was to be expected that today would not be huge.