Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

you all lost your wars against the Dutch.


All of them ? :p


that only lasted 7 years.

But yeah, one war

We only got you for 7 years.

How many second you got France? :p


dont get me wrong, i hate France, but i can’t at the same time

So you love us secretly? :3

Anyway, what are the % of chance for us to get a second dovbleg?

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only because of my aunt ♥

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non, je ne *suis pas Francais xD

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je ne suis pas*


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Cool looking ship

theres a chance for some pre order dev blogs but not sure

YES! One of the best looking warships, particularly on this picture.

Ah yes somebody is back to flagging my posts i wonder who that might be…

Anyways Tennessee is a rather nice addition to see even though i am nowhere near to getting it anytime soon. And my motivation for grinding naval is non existent as of now so it will probably be a while before i get around to it.

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“nice” addition with the classic US 50 seconds reload making this BB pretty much redundant and food for the other BB in the lobby

We won’t get better reload until we get North Carolina class with mark B guns so we are cucked for the next few years as usual.

Or untill Gaijin finally changes that absurd value

Sadly the reload are correct.

Just realized, we’re nearly at part 3 already.

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