Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Im betting on the Amagi

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How funny would it be if its the f/a-18c? Everyone would lose their sh8

If it’s for all three nations, I wouldn’t be opposed.


I think they’ll save that for the teaser, aka Thursday evening. They’ll definitely want to hype it up and a single devblog wont do it justice.

My gut feeling is its only for germany and us in this patch or germany only which then everyone would lose their sh8

Damn you are a real one !

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If it’s not delayed then im fairly certain they’ll keep it exclusive for Germany for at least a patch or two. As it stands it’s the only nation of the big three that doesn’t have something unique going for it, air-wise.

The good point if Germany is the only country to get the F-18 is that in no way they should have more word to say about they suffer, forever.


To think it only took German mains an update cycle worth of tears to get them the F-18 before anyone else. In comparison, it took the Americans almost a year to get the AV-8B. Thus I decree 5 American tears = 1 German tear.


Yeah but it’s not like the USA was lacking other jet, all the F-16s, F-14s, F-15s and all, they receive more jet than any other nation so they have “no right” to complain they don’t get x or y plane


I wish minor nations get different mechanics and be the ones to get them first.

This will 100% increase their player base.

What do you mean by that ?

Meanwhile Japanese mains have been asking for CAS and their most produced bombers. Yet nothing came.


Fisrt ones to get spike missles, submarines, helicopter mecahnics, etc…

For that i can bet it’s gonna be USA and Germany to start with thoses lines saddly (because more 'iconics"), not everybody together or minor nation first.

Wich is sad because damn i want that beast

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Yet no one from the team elaborates.

I’d rather have that GJN just adds the relevant vehicles of the same series, export and native production at the same time to all relevant Tech trees at once.

Well, ne, this isn’t logical, as the US does indeed have one of the biggest defence industries. They certainly do have a ‘right’ to ask for the planes that this nation built. That doesn’t mean Gaijin has to give in to these demands, but I’d rather have these vehicles added simultaneously anyway. This would undoubtedly bias the biggest defence industry nations in-game, but that might be counteracted by focusing more on non-‘major nation’ vehicles each update? Just a thought.


I always dream the EBRC Jaguar come ingame with new modern spot mechanics, IRL it can spot automatically and send to other vehicle around what it detect, and it can detect also by earing (spot the type of gun firing) all that almost without crew act on it.

Could bring ingame a way more advanced spot mechanism, an automatic one, lasting longer, that would help light vehicle to bring something more against way modernised MBTs that have way more survivability and firepower.

Spot could also serve as laser poiting for CAS, buddy lasing

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It took US mains one dev server to get two F-16s just saying


Funny that Gaijin use the excuse than USA build a lot for giving them a lot, but when some minor nation build more than some of the big 3 on some era, suddently this excuse don’t work anymore.