Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

that thing is a very diffirent story tho

it’s not the barely known sidegrade the AV8B+ was

it’s famous Multirole



I would likely shoot 4-6 in bvr.
And keep at least 2-4+ 2 sraams for close combat.

People who wanna dogfight with all 12 missles of course wont be agile

There is not a drop of water in this sea :3

SRAAMs, eh?


Yes, I get it, Sidewinders are short ranged air to air missiles.


Yugoslavia on its own, with Poland and Czechoslovakia being together as a “Warsaw” faction, you mean.

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Honestly it might be kind of tricky to play. With starting off with 12 missiles and it already not being super fast it’s going to take a bit to climb up to altitude to AMRAAM spam. Might be better of just taking 4 120s and 4 sidewinders.

Shouldn’t Poland be the “head” nation then?

Warsaw is their capital after all

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Yes, like how Taiwan is the secondary nation to China, Czechoslovakia can be the secondary nation to Poland (North Korea should also be the secondary nation to South Korea, but I’d prefer if we didn’t open this can of beans any further. I’ve seen some things).


It only takes one shell lol

If the swiss Hornet does get added and if they let it have the low drag pylons it would be best to take 6 AMRAAMs and 2 Sidewinders, unless you want to BVR LARP

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Taking at least two short range missiles is always good, even if you don’t plan to dogfight, simply as a preparatory measure for if someone gets close to you.

True, especially since missiles are dirt cheap ingame

not like Hornet has any choice anyway since wingtip pylons are AIM-9 only

already dreading the Wingtip AiM-9 + Fuselage AiM-120 Stock loadout

Hey, it would be Sidewinders plus having to unlock Sparrows first if Gaijin didn’t budge

for the US one yes

the Swiss one no

they only had AMRAAMs

They’ll figure something out something else to increase the stock grind.

Like adding 2 type of sidewinder modifications when you already get 2 of the better sidewinders stock.

Maybe 14.0 BR for USN F/A-18C config in 1995

F/A-18E Blk 1 (USN) in 2 years and would be 14.7

F-80/P-80 Shooting Star lack wing tip tanks


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This is purely for the Swiss Hornet
I could see them giving 9P-4 stock and then having to research 9P-5
Or just not give heat seeking missile mod research at all, but that would mean very grindy modules (upwards to 26k for even early tiers)

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No, I mean together.