Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

that statement is literally antique

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Nah the rotation is: Tank - Plane - Boat - Repeat

But they made an alternative route with last ones…

Yeah, they skipped a boat to cram in something more exciting before the summer break

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Nah, Polish+Czechoslovakian+Yugo tree will get croatian rafales, trust the plan…



Well boat would be good, means i csn sleep


I still doubt that it’s coming to Germany

and even it would come to Germany thr US and Finland would get one too


I do hope for something fun.

Like the Japanese 15 torpedo tube boat.

Evils, but a very gaijin move lol

Will it still be very agile with 10 amraams strapped on it like most players would do though?

I’d love something with rockets or missiles or something with a ship launched plane (or even heli), but I don’t see myself grinding a naval event

they would get one but not necessarily in the same update (looks AV-8B+)

The IJN Kitakami




Gib 🚢


most players would strap these missiles on then yeet most of them before any dogfight comes

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Holy moly, now that is a broadside

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That would be so much fun in NAB and NRB.

Finally a japanese counter to all these fake russian ships with crazy armour and guns.

Assuming they even get into dogfight range. Iirc the 18C isn’t the fastest right? And 10 amraams surely won’t help with that.

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The single 5inch shell landing anywhere on the deck of the ship

Its a long range torpedo vessel.

You sit at long distances and fire them off.

Yeah, even with the upgraded engines on the C variant the Hornet isn’t nearly as fast as the competition

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