Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

ah sad.

maybe it is the skyranger and we get a spaa heavy update (at least for USSR and germany)

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Lol, but yea I don’t think we have a variant confirmed yet I believe

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The leak already is fairly SPAA/SAM heavy, however the main focus seems to be China/Pakistan and French coastal

I’d rather drink the copeium that we get a Canada/Canada & ANZAC tree before that could happen so they all stay together and be a researchable vehicle.

(As due to most nations getting F-35s I have a feeling it would end up as an event with a Canadian sub-tree as well)

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2x SPAA for USSR, the one nation that needed it the least


Potentially even more, we don’t know if they get multiple Osas yet

I really don’t want Switzerland’s F/A-18C to be delayed, Germany desperately needs a top jet, desperately, really, incomparably needs this plane, to save Germany’s top
plz…Don’t put it off, very really ((( @Smin1080p_WT
I know you need to keep your mouth shut, but, you know, if it’s really planned to come in the near future, don’t postpone it X(


Sweden and Britain for over a year:


You have the glorious F-4F ICE, totally up to par


I don’t see how your comment would change the situation.


I bet you didn’t grind the German TT to the top, and you didn’t fly it, you don’t understand how ridiculous it is to fight an advanced fourth-generation jet with such an old aircraft

not like the osa is really needed for germany and italy aswell

Germany has the FlaRakPz at 10.3 and no vehicles in between 10.3 and 11.7. Means a aa between the flarakpz and flarakrad is useless (because you either play 10.3 or 11.7)

Italy has no real need for it too. The otomatic at 11.3 is still better and 11.3 is where all italian vehicles are aswell.

It’s still nice to see but both nations have other anti air gaps in the tree

You know, situations like this have happened before.

The F-4F ICE isn’t unusable and it’s not the worst top tier aircraft either.

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It’s garbage at dealing with planes, that’s the issue. All Rolands are terrible since the SACLOS nerf.

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I was being sarcastic, the ICE was always going to be DOA

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Totally unrelated to what i said, begging for a vehicle that you have no confirmation over its presence next update and tagging poor Smin without a true purpose since he can’t say anything is useless imo.

I’d love to see a pole in which the community guesses which line the F-18A or C will be added to


Old body , I can’t think of any country with a worse jet than ICE lmao

After the F-14 or AV-8B

Defo the F-14 line at rank 9 just for Gaijin to be a pain lol