Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

If Warspite does end up coming to naval in her WW2 refit, I wonder if she’ll end up affecting the naval meta or not, considering right now its still dominated by Mutsu’s and Scharnhorst’s.


Please bug report ❤️

Acknowledged 6 months ago

But changing a color can take years i guess :p



I wonder if they’ll also do something about the afterburners or if they’ll just keep them generic.


It’s an IT world, additions, changes and bugs are based of something called “weights”.
The higher the weight is the more important it is to get finished soon.

The weight is based of personal bias and importantness.

Vehicle additions per nation are based of the weights.
So that’s why we also see less vehicles for minor nations we want to see vehicles get added for.

Because personal bias is also a factor for the weight.

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So there is russian bias after all. Why else would they add yet another Shilka?


USSR didnt need the OSA or another shilka but stupid gaijin thought ussr needs more SPAA


To be fair, only the Gripen is competitiv.
The Tornado F3 Late is just a C&P with new missiles and gets carried by them like the F4F ICE.
And the SHAR FA2 was DOA and is barely alive now.
Iam also frustrated that it has still the Placeholder HUD from the Jaguar, at least it could have recived the Updated HUD from the Tornados until its own HUD eventually comes in the next few years.


They gonna stop adding OP AA when Russia has at least one for every BR.

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I am going to thoroughly enjoy terrorizing br 4.7 with the cast turret KV-1, my KV line grows ever stronger.

I personally don’t care about the late F.3 and the SHar being weaker in comparison to the competition.
However, about that whole 3 AMRAAM carriers in one update, Britain got 2 “new” AMRAAM carriers. The Gripen was only updated to carry AMRAAMs

Anyone else being randomly being kicked out of full screen in war thunder ?
The issue started last night

What? Soviets don’t have an F-15C MSIP II equivalent currently.
They have 1 F-16C equivalent: Mig-29SMT, and an Su-27SM with a maximum of 2 datalink channels… I’d say that’s at most an F-15JM equivalent IF the JM only brings 4 ARHs… of course JM can bring 8 ARHs and fire all 8 with its 8 datalink channels if the moment arises.

Soviets only getting 27SM is why I get to ignore the air tech tree for an entire major update.

Of course you also have death wobble negatively impacting R-77 far more than other missiles currently.

Ah, referencing pre-COVID money Gaijin; back when they had to be very decisive about what to work on with the more limited income compared to mid 2020 onward.

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some players of my squadron faced the same issues

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Yeah but france is easy so no, mobility has always been my play style its why i love japan and why i view the armor meta as meh.

Well this is a temp fix


i completly expected another one of your stupid train trolls

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When it come to helping other people out I do became serious.
It’s just when other people start with stupid takes is when I play at their level

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sometimes 3-5 times in a short period of time.
then i cant get in for at least 30s and when i get in sometimes half of my keys arent working for another short period of time.
But RN its mostly gone for me.

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Yea It happened after I’ve had a window update last night but it seems this solution works at least temp.
Also it stopped that annoying blinking orange warning after you go out of full screen.