Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Massive case of mandela effect going on

Swiss subtree isn’t real

I mean for air it could just be the start. Germany doesn’t have much more to add anyway in air from rank 6+. 4-5 german planes only. Hope a few variants of the p-16 are planned and the n-20 (not for this update but for the future)

For me personally it is. But if we get the Osa im pretty happy.

I’m trying not to sound salty but Germany has more than enough its everyone else’s turn to get what is much needed, the German naval tree as of current has no capability gaps though in the future I of course would like to see more German naval vessels, I would like that after everyone else is brought up to par.

Kinda like how Germany didn’t get a new MBT for a while after the 2A6 because it was so good.

Russia, well Russia don’t have any more unique BB’s for this period and the QE class which seems to have been modelled Russia never used.

Unfortunately Russia’s navy historically was not as relevant as the others in-game so they lag behind and piggyback on the additions of the other trees which were loaned to the USSR.

However the tradeoff is they focused on other regions heavily.

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I think this one minimizes collateral damage.

We did have Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya on a reliable leak list a few months ago, though no idea what patch/BP/event she might show up in.

She’ll almost certainly be in her late-war refit with the funky bow turrets.


It annoys me greatly that WT mobile is getting all the fancy ships before the normal client is.


“Majority of it”

I hope some cool toys for ground and air too so

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I imagine its because the main games models seem to be more detailled, for instance the QE in WT mobile visibly lacks almost all possible AA for that ship in the year she is reflected.


would be interesting how popular and succesful it is compared to the pc/console version. Some mobile games make fat money on ingame purchases.

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I get what you mean. The German navy trees are both pretty well stacked true. But still I would love to see a German Fletcher class or other cold/post war boats and ships also stuff like Seaplane tenders and commerce raiders/auxiliary cruisers.
For the Soviets I get what you mean but I’m not that much into big battleships especially if they are paper ones. I just would love to see some more soviet cold war stuff. But this is all personal preference.




would be nice adiotion to Italian Squadron vehicle.

I would wager it is a significant source of the sweet green for gaijin definitely.

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yeah, many gaming studios make more money with mobile games.

Funny enough I dont know anyone who plays mobile games.

Most likely because most of them are things we haven’t “reached” yet. Mobile has:

  • Interwar/WWII battleships, while we’re only now at Washington Treaty ships (Amagi).

  • Large missile ships and such, which isn’t something we’re quite up to either. I’m also unsure where exactly they’ll place them, but probably after battleships?

  • Subs, which are a whole new thing. Kinda surprised they seem to be dragging their feet with them though, as the core mechanics/design as seen in last year’s event was really solid (most issues were specific to the event mode).

  • Carriers, which are also a new thing and still WIP in the files over there.


I don’t really have an issue with those Heli’s, just pointing it out. I actually do think nations should have certain gaps filled out with either sub tree nations or trailed vehicles from the main nation, or even if you need to stretch it (like in this case I guess) the sub TT attached to it if they have nothing else to add to flesh out the tree.
But its really down to Gaijin how they want to do these types of implementations which again is almost always inconsistent.

Germany doesnt have much other than stuff that they touched or stuff that a sub tree can provide. Players were asking for the ICE to be added way earlier with BS’ed Fox 1’s so that it…ya know…wouldn’t be stuck in this kind of MM…so yea…here we are.

Sorry for the slight wall of text thoe

I get it, im of the opinion trial vehicles have a place in warthunder for when a nation/sub nation cant fill out a tt and has a large hole missing. The problem is that gaijin wont follow it like that. Additionally the community is pretty against trial vehicles even though quite a few trial vehicles had plans to undergo various unique changes.

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the models are probably much less detailed. I think gaijin will take the mobile game models and make them much more detailed for the pc/console warthunder. That will take a lot more time

I totally understand what you mean to be honest.

I would agree that any addition would be good to see.