Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Ha ha getting the Belgian turret when France just received the Belgian sub tree,…Good job Gaijin

damn so sad to see the warspite is an event ship but at least mean she will probably be a post 1940s refit and I dont have to go up the entire tree

For these 2 french naval players:


Why comment then?

And US players would be in the right to complain. It’s the AV-8B+ all over again. US made aircraft only going to a nation that bought it from the US, actually not even a nation a sub-nation.

Not adding vehicles to the nation that made it because “they don’t need it” is BS.


Seen my reaction lol

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Chill out guys we don’t need a part 3

I feel part 3 incoming

  1. Britain got the Wessex a couple of months ago
  2. It’s still a russian heli, even if it was built and modified by another nation
  3. Just like the SARC MkIVa in La Royale this is a completely pointless addition
  4. Not everything a nation (or subnation for that matter) operated or built has to be added to WT

Its less that they dont need it and more that they want to give people a reason to grind out the German tree, after all its supposed to be one of the big 3.

I’m wondering to which community Gaijin is listening to.
Japanese players have been asking for CAS, SPAA and Radar SPAA for over 5 years now, yet still nothing has been implemented.


Can you perhaps elaborate?


Finland has and will always be a cash grab instead of being treated like a useful addition. No unique vehicles for TT only for prem tree :3

Yep, i bet by tomorrow morning

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im hoping they introduce the ARH version of the missile to the game already


The one with the Puma turret

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Hey i mean if you dont want it ill take it.

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Tahhhhhhhhh someone is a wee little upset : P

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You aren’t German and thus your tears of injustice are not acknowledged. Remember everyone Germany feels unloved by Gaijin.

We now, German mains, cannot complain about anything for the next 3 years LmaO.
Getting Leopard fixes
Another IFV
Another SPAA/IFV
A sub-tree with advanced planes before the main country.


doubt it, PUMA S1 and PUMA on wheels would be too weird specially 2 IFV’s in 1 update

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