Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah if the F/A-18 only come for Germany there will be actual riots.

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Well, Germany is lacking in a way, being only nation without 13.7 jet
US can get the Hornet but they really don’t need it at the moment

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Again its a repeat of britain and sweden. I wish it wasnt the case but it is. Yet german players are making a much bigger deal of it than the swedish and british did.

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I just want new WWII stuff and in decent ammount. Not one thing every 2 patches…


Facts, once i get my full finnish ww2 lineup my life will be quite epic


If it is a F-18 then US will get it most likely aswell. There was never a case when the producer nation got it later. I exclude the AV-8 because it’s based on a british jet and isn’t that iconic like the F-18

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This game needs far more attention at low and mid tier. Not everyone gets to top tier or enjoys top tier but everyone plays low and mid tier at some point if not regularly. There is so much missing from the lower tiers and it’s great when it sees some attention. I despise these updates with little to no low tier content


The Harrier 2s were based off of the AV-8B, though…also A-4M is still missing from the US tree, while Israel has their A-4M version (Ayit or A-4N). F-5 was also added to US after China got it.

Id like to see nations get at least 1 TT every patch and if possible 1 high to mid tier and the other vehicle be low br. New players should get to experience the updates like nore finished nation players.

I cant wait anymore till the datamines will be revealed.

If it is swiss I hope for:


Both swiss origin. Better than the F-5E although less needed for germany aswell


Same here. I barely play higher than early cold war jets.

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Doesn’t matter, either both get it or neither get it

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How would adding Hornet to Germany let US or any other nation rot?
They all have Fox 3 slinging gen 4 jets (neither of German Fulcrums can fire Fox3)
Meanwhile Germany upgraded the F-4F that was actually a stopgap measure before Eurofighter was ready

The problem with the US and not getting their vehicles i think is due to how many air vehicles they get. They have received the most every year so its pretty likely gaijin will just drip feed them to the US while trying to keep a focus on other nations also.

Yeah, I have basicly all trees at top tier and I despise top tier. Most updates I get nothing I as it’s all top tier. I know from my group more feel the same way then are excited by new top tiers.

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Yea the P-16 for me would be more cooler since there a chance for more variants.

I was referring to both sweden and britain using gen 3 aircraft with sub par missiles vs 4th gens.

Skyflash df vs R27ER/Aim 7F/M

Very balanced. At least the KWS has Aim 120.


And what i meant was if the update doesnt bring comparable fighters to every nation then i have no interest. If Germany was to not get an aircraft and everyone else got something that was better then before it wouldn’t be fun.

Im hoping we wont have moments like that again but whos to say.

Wonder if the Ztz will get a faster autoloader this time around like it apparently did irl…

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Unlikely, its more likely to have the armor model and 3d model changed to its irl design