Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It has an imaging seeker, like on AIM-9X. It will be unflareable, coupled with 60g thrust vectoring it’d be as good as a killswitch.

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Germany propably aint getting it.
They gonna make us wait for the boxer variant
Amd switzerland isnt realy in need of mobile spaas.
Their topography helps them a lot

This is Gaijin we are talking about. Aim-9Ls should be unflareable if the target is on reheat. Clearly that is not the case.

Those missiles will be good, but nerfed to hell.


I think aircraft need EW/ECM Suites before we start this level of crazy.

Gonna point to italy and hungary here.

Subtrees dont influence future update amounts

Every patch they just nerf the missile below it and buff the new one to the same or similar levels.

Iris-t isnt realy effected by that

Well, who knows what Gaijin will do.

I still think we should base our judgement on the known facts

Ground launched ASRAAM has a range of around 16-18km. Can you think of an alternative SAM system for the UK that has that kind of range?

Sky Sabre has many times that range and requires (ideally) an external radar.

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It acts a bit like a long range stinger

I think he was referring to DIRCM system when he says “ECM”

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The Indonesian “Mi-35P” is quite interesting. Its actually a late model Mi-24P, featuring the Spo-15 RWR & Ataka, but still having access to the dazzler unlike in Russian Service. Indonesia never acquired R-60 however, so I don’t think it would have any A2A capability- not to mention the optics remain un-upgraded so good luck using the ataka at max range with 3x-10x.

Also, there isn’t really a gameplay reason to use this but they did integrate 70mm rocket pods incase you want less power and less capacity:

Le 70mm Rocket


SEA is kind of sad in terms of helis. There isn’t much unique and aside from the Singapore/Indonesia Apache upgrade over the DJP, there isn’t anything too crazy. But hey! Malaysia had a contract to buy rooivalk (though I have no clue if they ever flew it before they cancelled), so there is hope for something different!


The Stinger is easily dodged though (low G-overload), that’s how it is balanced

Yeah, they just halved its G-overload despite plenty of evidence

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Seeing as you are getting at least 2, possibly more, high tier ground additions and a buff to the second most dominant MBT currently at top tier in addition to a sub tree. Yes Germany should be done for 2024 after this update.

They should focus those resources on actually balancing top tier ground, and not just throwing random shit (like doa shitcan A-10s as an example for this update) at the problem hoping that it will help (of course it won’t).

Dont worry.
Iris-t only has a 104% hit chance as of currently in a certain conflict

I cant but these systems will just swat anything out of the sky there would be no escape with current in game mechanics

It’s IR it can be dazzled so to speak

Just to be clear, I hold the IRIS-T in high regard

That’s why I’m sceptical about it’s addition. It’s just soooo good

Dont thini the imaging head cares about that much either