Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Gaijin has 0 planning for the vehicles they may introduce 12-15 months later. That is why I also like the new event type. Give F-16 Block 25 over an original jet or a 182491th T-80 variant instead of an original premium.

It can go back as far as all 13 years if it needs too. That spreadsheet is not what our updates are based upon.

Its a good indication for the general timeframe of when updates can fall (but then again that period window is hardly difficult to tell without it), but it has no relation to the current major or any future majors development cycle or release date.

Majors have and always will move around +/- dates. The same with blogs.

The fact the current majors blogs (or the next) dont line up with the previous year(s) doesn’t mean the current major is “late”, “early” or otherwise.


Not my image, i stole it from the subreddit lmao

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Because they will get pig’let’s lol

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Ah, gotcha

I’m a bit confused, what aircraft is this?

I laugh at how they wasted so many Finnish vehicles that the Finnish sub tree is filled with Swedish exported vehicles right now.

Just like the Israeli AH-64A. The same vehicle is sold and is present at the tree with 0 differences

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Outside of armament whats unique about the bf109, vampire, and hurricane?

I have all versions of these planes i dont notice a difference

@Smin1080p_WT gotten a headache already from this?

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And nothing else was stated here :
The current Update with its devblog does not align with the trend of the last 7!!! Years

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Every major. It never fails )))

I should expect it every rumour roundup at this point. Still just blows my mind the same trends and claims keep happening.


Was the PAK there before?

yea quite bad attempt of gaslighting by smin :/

Gaijin needs regular updates to keep the game alive same as all other live service games

saying “oh you dont know if an when an update comes” or “these times are not what our updates are based around” after 7+ years of regular updates at or around the same time of the year can only be characterized as bad faith


Are you excited for the Japanese additions?

Like, from a scale from 1 to 10, how much are you excited for Japan.

I guess we are even now when it comes to missing the jokes


He 115 A-2 used by Norway during the 40’s

Same model on the swedish tree which has swedish and finnish camos

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yes, it was there from the beginning


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It was stated the current update is late, when factually it very much is not. Its not been delayed or moved at all.

Late by comparison to a spreadsheet of previous trends maybe. Late in reality no.



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