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2A6 also still has gen 1 gunner thermals

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Germany has been, and remains, a top 3 ground nation. Good MBTs since New ERA, although mediocre CAS and SHORAD


Yeah and Sweden has arguably been top 1 if you take the the entire ground lineup into account.

At least top 2, BVM was truly dominant for a year or so, and MiG-27 was busted

Russia was 1st for a year until 2022 when Sweden got m/95. After that it has been Swedish dominance ever since.

Problem is when ground doesnt matter at all when more oftem then not a match gets decided trough cas capability

If you stomp the enemy hard enough (which the Strv 122s/2A7s are more than capable enough for) you won’t give the enemy a chance to even spawn cas.


Yeah but those are rare.
Where the eneny needs to realy suck in the first place.
Stopping germanys leopards currently aint hard.
With bugged frontsl plates, armor holes, lower srmor value or just shooting at the drivers hatch etc. Not mentioning its obly the 2a7v thats armored in the first place

There is a reason why Germany and Sweden are doing so well, and it’s not because their players are so good. It’s because the Strv 122/2A7 are so busted. I would honestly say that no self respecting player has any excuse going below 1.5:1-2:1 in K:D in these after their stock grind, they are that good.

And no it’s not really rare, it’s usually how I won my games in Germany and Italy with the 2A7s.


Just the usual cope from German mains. They literally have the same tanks but no Swedens Leopard has a 100mm insert that the German one doesnt…It’s unplayable!

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J29 Tunnan and J35 Draken A (and D to some extent) both are great.
Their Hunter (J34) also is pretty good.

J29 for me was a massive pain. probably as im not amazing top grate pilot. J35D after it was put down in BR was somewhat playable, tho further flight models nerfs didnt helped at all. (plus the lack of any counter measures or RWR)
And i dont have good experiances with Hunter from UK tt.

Tho i know all these planes have a specific play style, but trying to learn it after constantly dying while doeing nothing isnt great at all.

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Does anyone know a way to turn on debug or any other mode to see all spall fragments in armour penetration simulation?
From CIS forum answer was no from a mod.
Currently only spall that damages anything is rendered.

haha Barrel go zoom

the J34 is objectively better, same BR as the F.1, but has more engine power, actually has plumbing for its pylons (not implemented, but drop tanks) and has 9Bs.

It’s still not a great plane, i’ll give you that, but its a whole lot better than the Brit ones (quick reminder the French F.6 has even more Engine power and missiles and is the same BR as the F.1)

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Seriously , with that quote of you, you realy just continue to show of how you have no idea about the matter and the issues behind the model differences.

Besides that we didnt say its unplayable. Its just you having some kind of hard on against germany
Every nation is allowed to complain about their vehicle and have them inserted in an as good state as possible.
Germany complaining about leos is no difference to uk complaining about challys, us about abrams and france about leclercs.

How about you actualy try to work fixing those vehicles you are intrested in instead about complaining about those of other nations where you have no clue what you are even speaking about

That’s completely fair, just wanted to chime in to say that not everything before the Gripen is terrible

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Yeah, i understand. If you know how to flight them then of course they will be good for you. Im still trying to learn air, but it is much worse to learn then ground…and not speaking about naval on how much unbalanced that game mode is.

to be entirely fair, the Lansen (J32) gets a bad wrap imo because its at a BR where you constantly get uptiers into All Aspect IRs, and you fight MiG-19s and F-104s on the daily, but excusing that it’s not an awful plane

Barrel my beloved, Saab 105 is a fair bit of fun (until someone tunnel visions you).

Dunno about the Draken though, I died playing the Lansen back when the Su-25 was 9.7.

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Are you sure that fits the redacted text?

There would be no point in redacting the nations if it was that easy to figure it out.

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