Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

If those rockets would be a proxy…that would be interesting idea…tho i would be afraid of the spread.

Plus it reminds me of that late ww2 german prototype jet plane that also had rockets in nose

AIM9P-4 is ingame, not the P-5. The P-4 has the AIM9L seeker on a AIM9P while the P-5 has the AIM9Ms seeker

Both impact and proxy available :)

Funny how it sound to me like an interesting concept even today for fighting drones

It only had skyflash though not super temp. You’re thinking the F 3

That …would be interesting vehicle to see…and i would love it…tho i dont know where to put it as it is radar AA…but it is also a rocker with i would guess efficient distance of 1500m plus the proxy rockets

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bandicam 2024-08-19 21-48-16-832

Anyone guessed what these are ?

They are at least sub/other nations, maybe a Japanese sub ?

true made a mistake there. anyway its not really hard to make, just give the 9P the 9M seeker.

God ill do anything if we get the Mako


eads-mako2 (1)

It’s radar but short range, and not that much ammo per rack (but 30s to reload, not that horrible).

I would say between 6.0 and 7.0 ?

Having said that. Swiss wont be a subtree for Germany air unless they do a major tech tree restructuring. Germany already has 5 lbranches, which is (somehow) the maximum branches in the game currently.

Maybe put the Hornet behind the 29G ? Because the Eurofighter should be the end of the F4F Line. But then where would they put the F5E? Perhaps the Hornet could still be inbetween the ICE and the Eurofighter. We’ll see

eh no, i just dont remember all the weird uk missles
point was it got a missle as interim it never used

With or without proxy rockets?

a subtree doesnt have to be a whole line

india is a subtree as well for uk as example

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Fair enough.

So where would you put the hornet and the F5E?

both ?

It would be useless without proxy i think, or at least really hard to use.



Still would be fun. Anyway, wanna see a cool SPAA from Czechoslovakia? How much do you like M53/59 Praga in game?

propable gonna do a start a new rank 7 line behind the mig23bn or su 22m4 that just isnt connected to the prior planes

Russia already have something similar isn’t it ?
(it’s even the same name apparently)

I remember using them in WRD btw haha

Ah I see

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