Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

To be fair, the A-10C is more for ground than air lol, but it’ll be doa in both modes anyway.

Didn’t you suggest
Mil Mi-35M [IND] for the Helicopter?

cant be USA, USA is already named and they dont add those brackets for main nations only for sub trees

Why are yall so deadset on britain getting a heli?
Did everyone forget about the Wessex they added two updates ago?

Yes but I do believe the usa government has the ability to change the code.
But this is off topic so let’s stop.

wordeing doesn’t fit what gszabi does on his github , i found out he never put’s the MIL


Were those brackets there before?

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now you are going into areas you dont know and doesnt matter when UK can give out working codes themself

Ok like I said let’s stop talking about it so we don’t get reported for off topic. Thanks

as @battlerog posted earlier they’ve been there for a few hours. Gszabi updated the site.
So part of our guesses yesterday were confirmed

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Nope G’99 added them a few hours ago.

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Why are some of the brackets wider than the others? Is it to account for wider letters like the W and M?

we are in R&R, this is as off topic as it can get. pretty m,uch the wild west in this thread

Also is any of those supposed to be the F/A-18C one? Because I can’t really fit it into any of those 3 blanked out ones.

The nations are always in game-order, right? So shouldn’t those aircraft automatically be two non-Swedish planes for Sweden, and one Israeli plane?


Why are the current guesses for the leak lists?

Good catch

Hmm, J35XD [DNK]?

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Its true, ty