Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

AV-8s are a lot less iconic though. We are also talking about the highest spending playerbase, and we know Gaijin mostly cares about those sweet sweet $$$$$

See i miss read thought it was 15

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I honestly don’t think I’ve seen the swiss F-5 with more than just the center line drop tank and the tip-sidewinders.
I’m not actually sure if they ever used more hardpoints.

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That is just sad really sad. Other nations shouldn’t need exported things to be good.

Yeah that would work i guess

EFT2000 [AUT]?
Typhoon [AUT]?


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sadly Lightning II [AUT] is too long

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The Austrian Air Force also hasn’t bought F-35s yet. They’re still debating.

for now the guesses are
_ F-5E [CHE] ---------------4 characters (+spacebar+ 3 characters =} nation)
_ F/A-18C [CHE] ----------------7 characters (+spacebar+ 3 characters =} nation)
3 characters
_ 8 characters
_ xtp-1 beta [ZAF] ---------------10 characters (+spacebar+ 3 characters =} nation)
3 characters
_ 10 characters
_ 10 characters
3 characters
_ 13 characters

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that sounds like u didnt look at the recent state of the game lol
Besides that specialy USA gets baby sitted so much in air thats why people specialy will celebrate that they get a break for once and not the biggest best toy

besides that USA is getting the A-10C they cant realy complain

Do you think they’ll add the American kill switch’s to the F35s? The ones they have to shut down export variants in case of a war with the other country or export to unapproved nations.

Ah right, it was switzerland that went through with the order

That isn’t going to be an end all be all aircraft.

They can when they play top tier ground lol, where all they are getting is a DOA attacker instead of the much more needed SEPv3.

If only they had such kill switches in the Iranian F-14s, am I right? lol

sounds like you dont know how the F-35s work

F-35s have a daily unlock code, it isnt realy a killswitch so to say

Besides that the UK is officialy allowed to give out those codes themself so US isnt even necesary

Wingtip triple rack of dumb bombs it is! /s

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yes, but we talking air specialy right now

It is not they are being baby sitted. It is just that they had so much more funding irl. Which lead to them having more advances in technology.

for now the guesses are
3 characters
_ F-5E [CHE] ---------------4 characters (+spacebar+ 3 characters =} nation)
_A-4M [USA]

_ F/A-18C [CHE] ----------------7 characters (+spacebar+ 3 characters =} nation)
_ F/A-18C [USA]
3 characters
_ 8 characters
3 characters
_ xtp-1 beta [ZAF] ---------------10 characters (+spacebar+ 3 characters =} nation)
3 characters
_ 10 characters
_ 10 characters
3 characters
_ 13 characters

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