Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Roh, some letter differents, same things !

When we talked you tried to compare a 10.7 delta to the 11.3 mirage F1C. You said it was op whn it has 6 missiles and 12 CM whilst stating the Mirage F1C was the worst jet at 11.3

My argument was you just hate sweden otherwise your logic would made sense had you tried to compare vehicles that are similar and were at the same BR like i did.

Not the first time you come back on that things that is old now.

My argument is you hate me xD

" whilst stating the Mirage F1C was the worst jet at 11.3"
And it was.

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My argument is that you cant form a decent argument and have to change the subject to try and fit this illusionary narrative you have.

with how they are treated compared to nations that have been in game far longer then them? yeah no I fully get the hate towards them lol


Sorry but you said 11.7

And ive never denied their love of 10.0+ ground

Air is a different story

It’s not same
Lemme try to do a comparison…
It would be like saying that Mystere II and Mystere IV are same aircraft
They aren’t

I mean top tier sure lower tier tho? sweden was fine and honestly one of the best premiums for its br with the J35XS

i mean, if they could have they would have showered it with love as well, but their air is just hard to fill

My problem wasnt the 35XS, dont get me wrong with its old FM amd the 10.7 matchmaker it was strong but it has neither of those. Unlike other 10.7’s both the XS and Kfir Canard moved to 11.3 instead of 11.0

Do we have any rumoured/leaked new maps?

cant wait for swedens costal to blow every other nations costal quite literally out of the water

Yes ? And ?

Really not the first time you come back on those agruments, i don’t care anymore that’s all.

4 month ago, you gonna talk about that for how many times ?

Was joking, sure it’s not the same plane :)


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okay and? if it was over preforming it should go up

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If this community is as vindictive as its shown then that view would be a lie since gaijin could’ve just decided to add Norway or DK to fix BR’s but that didnt happen. Nor did gaijin choose to look at finland and see what they have to add to fix the gaps.

Not to the extent that it went. Though i guess the F5e with its ufo FM and gun radar sight was fine to go to 11.0 anyways.

lol, lmao even

Its current BR (post-decompress) is entirely based upon its performance pre-FM changes. It probably should have had a BR change following those changes, but never did. I strongly suspect it will be an aircraft we see move next BR change. To what is the question though