Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’d especially love to see these classes! The Mogadors were effectively even more extreme versions of the Le Fantasques, and the La Galissonnières would be quite good.


From what I’ve seen it 's the other way around: the models are made to WT 's level of detail, then compressed to fit Mobile 's much more space-restricted platforms.


This would make sense, it’s far more efficient long-term.

Hungary also had IS-2 (both variants: original and “1944”) from SU till 1956. Other options would be only unfinished tanks such as 44M TAS or maybe even P43 from Italy itself. Although I doubt they will ever come. IS-2 can be placed in the regular tree, but bruh…would be much better if they didn’t make Tigris a premium.
Also leak list seems disappointing for Italian TT player, we’re getting OSA which is the first and probably the only SAM of this type in the Italian TT + it can be a sign of more Romanian additions, on the other hand few other nations get the same vehicle as well. Still hope for some Italian additions revealed, as they’ve always said that subtree vehicles don’t come instead.

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ah cool. The future of naval seem bright then


Is this a leaked model ?

As I seen some rumours about it.

ArtStation - war thunder, Saheed

Which means diddly-squat. Pilot exchange programs have been running for decades. Ig you use that as a basis you can literally add every western jet to every western tree.


Salam Aleikum those Fakours CLAPS CHEEKS REALLY HARD BRO

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Russian tanks getting turning speed buffs while the Challenger 2 literally turns like a fucking slug is such a joke


I echo the sentiment that since they’re adding another crew member to the Type 81c, it means they’re looking at it again and that it also means they’ll add the ARH missile to it as well.

I’m also kind of hyped for the CTWV RCV because of that optic pole. As a CAP main, I like to get into aircraft with AA loadout ASAP to keep the skies clear in GRB, and being able to scout more easily sounds very appealing. Does it also have the ability to lock onto enemy aircraft like some other IFVs? That would be icing on the cake, letting me deal with helis and low flying aircraft. It’d replace the Type 87 in my lineup.


I was honestly hoping for some new AA for the UK. That is really want we need

Yes, it should also have proximity fused and airburst shell options. So it’ll be a nice multi purpose vehicle.


I’m not sure I’d make that leap personally, seeing as they are looking at a lot of vehicles every update, but I guess it’s not impossible.

Hopefully that is modeled properly and all that. Would be a unique addition to Japan as it doesn’t have anything like it currently.

It doesn’t seem that far-fetched of leap since it’s already in the files. With the proliferation of ARH missiles in general in GRB, a ground based one won’t be anything new anymore.


Another modern warfare enjoyer, I see!

I imagine F-18 will come after F-4F ICE…

I must get that line ready, then! I won’t be home for the next 6 days, but I think I still have time, hahah.

Also hope America gets it too. I have all lines researched, so I would have access to it regardless of which line it’s added to.

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Apologies, I didn’t mean to engage in JH-7A erasure, that is true

French F-15 and F-18 when?

Does anyone know what the difference between J10 and J10A in the datamine leaks would be?

Hard to say, since the J10A would be the original production variant.
The J10 could be a prototype or pre-production variant, however I don’t know how they would differ.

o boy … gonna take a while to read all-'at