Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Are the devs looking into adding Tank Fire Control Systems in the foreseeable future?

M6 and T1E1 have underperforming armor that make them quite vulnerable even at their BRs for a heavy tank, and this one will be an even higher BR due to the increased firepower, so it will be a slow glass canon.

That is, unless they finally decided to fix this series’ armor, which I kinda doubt after so many years, but I hope.


it’s what it should be, no way to “fix” it’s armor i think. and the br, won’t be too high, 90mm isn’t that powerful, and your stab is removed, reload slower, so i guess same br

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Where is France’s new top battleship? The top French fleet is currently suffering…
France needs a new top battleship to at least be on par with other nations. Strasbourg will save the day
And then the French Navy will fight on equal terms. But at the moment it has been suffering for a year against Scharnhorst, Mutsu and others. And France has not yet been given an analogue



Im hoping the Royal navy also gets a WW2 era BB. All of ours are WW1 era currently.

HMS Queen Elizabeth (WW2 Refit) or HMS King George V would be awesome.

But yeah, France does need a better top tier BB as well



no context. figure it out yourselves

I think 5.7 seems likely

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Where rumor for abrams fix when

i can give you german leopard fix ones

what is ‘‘broken’’

Well, hope you/they will start to work on solid shots soon as it makes some tanks pretty much unplayable .

needs more compression

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I play the USA and I just want to say that Britain doesn’t get enough love. There are so many us aircraft that they modified and many others that aren’t represented in game.

my heart

Gaijin should give all MBT’s the BF4 touch

T-90A’s going 40 mph in reverse, and Abrams being able to do cartwheels in the air


Say less


they should also make gun barrels physical so we could do ragdoll throws like in GTA


Why don’t we have stuff like the Convair F-106 Delta Dart and F102

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I want to be able to smack exposed crew with the barrel and launch them across the map

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