Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yep, though only usable in the brackets where its top. I wouldnt bother trying when you face F-16s and Mig-29s (at least I dont)

But yeah. the F3 is lovely in Sim. The best radar in game, one of the best RWRs, high enough top speed to outrun most things and half decent teeth. The only real shame is the BOL which barely work

Its such a tragedy it was rendered unplayable last year for so long for no good reason

iam doing fine with keyboard and mouse but when i got my own place i still want to buy a HOTAS setup.

Yeah, it’s not that keyboard and mouse is bad or anything, it just feels weird to play first person without a flightstick and throttle

The bracket for it RN is 12.0-12.7 so F16 is very Rare, Mig 29 is mayby 1-2 but most of the time its F14, F4s, F20s, some Mirages etc depending what Nation plays aginst each other.
I went into full Nation death match, so everything against eachother and everybody else.

Maybe I need to risk it. Typically I avoid aircraft with few exception unless they are at the top of the bracket. If nothing else, just forces me to play more than a handful of aircraft (about to take the Buc S2B out for games)

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“Wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt” (If you don’t dare, you don’t win) like we germans sometimes like to say.
So i wish you the best of luck.

Sounds a bit like the SAS moto of “Who dares, wins”


Why though? There’s nothing “special” about the Legacy Hornet. If anything, it should have come a year ago when they first added the F-16

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Now where you mentiond it, you are right.
Recently i watched the fantastic Series “SAS Rogue Heros” where i saw this moto.


I’ve been meaning to watch that at some point

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S2 is already cooking, and this will be some good stuff coming out of the oven at the end.

But now back on track, we are going a little offtopic here, Swiss F18 yes or no XD


Our Dutch version: “Wie niet waagt, die niet wint”


There is some nuance here. This isn’t so much for you, but more for all those who are unfamiliar with or are confused by the designations of Hornet.

F/A-18A and B originally had no AIM-120 support.

A models that have been upgraded with new radar and AIM-120 support are called F/A-18A+

F/A-18 C and D had AIM-120 support from the start.

A and C variants are single seat, B and D variants are two seat.

These are all “legacy” Hornets.

The Swiss operates F/A-18C (in the pic below carrying a whopping 10x AIM-120)


The country that gonna have the Swiss F-18 gonna win the aircraft carrier going alongside ?



There’s no way it can launch off that right?

Close to be able to, by short !


Best German naval ship:

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Tried it, entire enemy team was Mig-29s except 1x M2k. I think im going back to only using it in downtiers

No swiss or subtree F18 in german tech tree. Wait for the EF2000. Stop screwing up tech trees withj stuff that is not belonging in there at all. Germany has more then enaugth cable fighters and multirole airplanes. The whiners can go and do a back flip.


Not your call to make :^)