Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yeah apparently

ASMP-A going woooosh


stop giving them stupid ideas xD

swedens dead, they got nothing left in terms of mbts.

Unless Gaijin decides to add other Scandinavian countries like Danish or Norwegian stuffs in regular TT in the future (might be via extending the Finnish line)?
like Leopard 2A7DK in near future & Leopard 2A8NO in far future

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as i said earlier

britains focus never was or will be mbts at top tier. Tornado with 12 brimstones will do more then the mbt will do. Every tech tree has their own focus and strengths, As example germanys cas was never exceptional. Cannon cas is finnicky, at top tier our best “CAS” is the uht, but that one is realy situational only useable on certain maps

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Leclerc is slightly faster, have a better reload and thermals while the Leopard have better turret armor and a better round.
If the Leclerc had a better mantlet probably they would be perfect equivalents, where one give up armor for more firepower and the other gets better armor.

Fair about the Leclercs and Leopards.

I’m still hestitent to place the Merkavas, ZTZ-99s and M1A2s close to the 2A7V and Strv 122s (although non of the former are really bad tanks in any way). Let alone the poor Challengers and Arietes.

Also slightly off topic, but have you always been a technical moderator or just recently?

Failing that the f104 can act as the nuke itself.

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I’m sure speed is almost the same right now, nothing spectaculary more, wich is sad because Leclercs are still lacking their Hyperbar engines in the game :(

I can see where they’re coming from, they have a better round but a worse reload (for first stage, anyway), smaller breech weakspot and more mobile but also hull armour isn’t good enough for the KE rounds at that BR, while CR2 UFP has a spall liner and can sometimes bounce darts (Russian stuff especially)

exactly , but that isnt the case just yet

thats cool and all but uh we dont have a top tier light tanks and even if we do its fucked up saying, oh well yeah you guys can just suffer because you get better cas, what about the people what dont like playing air? and gaijin has stated they are not adding Brimstones anytime soon, so our top cas isnt special its on par with america and russia being worse in some cases as well

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Im sure it will get implemented eventualy :)


what i said is that the light tanks and implementations are way more important for UK then giving them new MBTS, light tanks will have way more results for UK currently then new mbnts

A light tank won’t help you take map control. So the enemy team with better MBTs will just take map control, hide for the cas in the cap points and win on ticket bleed.

This is exactly why Russia, Sweden and Germany are winning so much currently. They are the only nations with MBTs that are armored enough to take map and objective control. Every other nation just has to flank, stay hull down or play like a light tank.


and I agree but my point is having better light tanks doesnt change we have one of the worst mbts in the game, no matter how good of a light tank we get its never gonna make up for that

“tip of the shit pile” better phrase xD


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nice congrats? I’m not sure if thats a blessing or a curse lmao

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