Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

India’s “Future Main Battle Tank” programme so far we know next to nothing about it besides it being smaller and a possible 2 man tank compared to the Arjun

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so do they plan on faking leopard 2a5+ just with 2 crewmember `?XD

apparently its fully domestic so who knows but I can see it

i mean yeah i dont need to, i am aware germany is a leading force in tank development at the very least. So i just dont need to worry about it and instead am looking forward to the future

those are already good options

There are still options for Uk left, like the already named challenger 130, streetfighter , there already is a new challenger 3 prototype of the development. Besides that light tanks would change a lot for the british line up already as well and make it stronger. Britains have a way bigger CAS advantage, with competent lights being able to reduce air spawn rates. Britian can spawn great CAS options in the future possibly even stronger with Brimstones. The addition of brimstones will make UK way stronger.

GRB and ARB are completly different matters, you need to see GRB as a whole with all the support vehicles and possible cas u can have in the whole line up. While ARB is pretty much only about your most competent aircraft u have available for yourself

With the arjun being 40+ years behind in ammo and decades behind in design, that actually worries me more lol.

The only way they catch up quickly if they just buy some Leopard 2 and DMXX ammo blueprints and license production lol.

let’s be fair, the arjun is just a bad attempt at copying? the leopard 2a4
which took them so much time to fail so hard

That it’s funny

But if this tank would be added it would probably have better armor then the current leopards 2a4 because reasons :D

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I refer to my point earlier where apparently they didnt even put composite behind the gunners sight

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friendly reminder, the arjun was developed with the help of kmw lol

CR3 will still be a whole tier below the current 2A7V in terms of gameplay unless they redesign the hull.

When you play enough different nations you will come to understand why nations like russia, Germany and sweden are winning so much right now at top tier grb, and why britain won’t be the same.


ye and everything that was important was ignored somehow like composite behind gunner sight xD

or a proper gun and ammo

If KMW helped them and they still produced such a shitbucket, besides India someone at KMW also really failed lol.

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1):

hmm … so that leak’s legit?

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no idea, in what extend they did help or for what parts

so unless gaijin just stops adding tanks to geramny and swedens top tier until the UK gets the Challenger 3 2024 it wont even be good, we have no idea how much the armour improved by and the fact gaijin was about to try and and the 3TD with the increased wieght and no increase in armour I can fully see it being barely 50mm of armour, they most likely will still refuse to add its turret spall liner and it will still have a 7.8 second reload for some reason, so again unless they just dont add anything else to germany or sweden the thing isnt going to be competitive on release.

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swedens dead, they got nothing left in terms of mbts. But germany yes would have a ton of options left. But at the same time you would take a lot other nations progress away , like the EMBTS which would go to france as well

its funny because apparently there is meant to be composite on the LFP and even the streetfughter 2 just added an extra slab of composite to the LFP but hey it will be like the UFP and mean fuck all to top ammo now days so eh its way to late for the streetfighter 2 to be good

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but why should other nations stop and wait that the uk get some good tanks ?
I mean a lot of things would change already if they fixed the challys
and maybe give them 4 sec reload because 5 second for the first few rounds is now rather average (looking at m1 handout)

but they rather add new shiny toys for the wallet warriors…

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Thst ship that got stuck in the suez canal is smaller than an arjun.

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I think Benelux might be the first test for the upcoming roadmap.
Bonusses for researching new nations.

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BTW, watch us not getting Benelux this update but a few updates after…