Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

And Otomatic isnt top tier SPAA and it is still stupidly high in br. Sidam 25 (Mistral) is just sad. You cannot lock any helicopters, and when you fire at jets they can easily doge and flare them.

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that ain’t particularly hard

As far as I know those are used when the game’s language is set to those languages and the crew voice setting is set to game’s language.

  • Industrial designation: WZ505
  • Old-style Type designation: Type 86-I
  • Post-1987 PLA 3-letter nomenclature system designation: ZBD86-1

For a similar example from WT:

  • Industrial designation: WZ305
  • Old-style Type designation: Type 80
  • Post-1987 PLA 3-letter nomenclature system designation: PGZ80

This is why in my datamine posts you saw / will see it as PGZ80, as I prefer the 3-letter system whenever possible.

Better example from WT:

  • Industrial designation: WZ120A
  • Old-style Type designation: Type 59A
  • Post-1987 PLA 3-letter nomenclature system designation: ZTZ59A

No because of the offday. But yeah, not impossible.

Yep, OTO is in the same boat with Arietes, I hope one day devs will be able to properly model its double autoloader and balance it in accordance with capabilities.
About Mistral, idk last time I played, its missiles were pretty good against planes, though it was long ago and I should try it again.

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This map has a lot of mistakes…

I’m really hoping for the T.13 and CATI 90 tank destroyers
The two-barreled MTLS-1G14 could be really cool but data on the ammo is extremely hard to find unfortunately



Well your gonna have to cope now as they are going to France

I locked a Ka-50 at 3.5 kilometer with the Mistrals yesterday. I was, to put it mildly, flabbergasted

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we don’t know yet, we just

eh Im unsure about that

PARS are Fire and Forget, sure but they forget more often then not


Except on the WZ305 example, it was never PGZ80 as it was never adopted by PLAGF, so that is just hypothethical name.

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If they apply all the the fixes that have been reported it would be much better.

PARS 3 LR incorrect maximum range
PARS 3 LR incorrect missile behaviour
PARS 3 LR incorrect lateral acceleration
PARS 3 LR missing proximity fuse


some USSR helis are very hot somehow. mi-35m can be locked in 3.9km even with HIRSS

There is conflicting info on whether or not a small number actually entered active service with the PLAGF. In any case, you’re right, that wasn’t the best example I could’ve used, as if it did enter service, it did so as Type 80, the re-designation into the 3-letter system of old designs only happened in 2003, way beyond its service life.

Changed the example to the ZTZ59A.


But at least you can fire them and go back to rearm. Even if all 8 miss, you are still alive to try again.

Good luck doing that in the 64D. You need to stay exposed for 20-30 second just to give your hellfires a chance to hit.

Not to mention that Germany would get a similar AH-64D as the US, which is pretty bad compared to the UK and Israeli one.

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It isnt consistent. Most times i cant lock onto helis before they are within 2 km. I even encountered a Harrier that couldnt be locked until sub-2km in front aspect. This was with the Santal.

The last few days i have had a problem with getting a lock, but not being able to fire. The lock is so poor that the seeker doesnt want to be uncaged. When i use the radar lock on the Santal, and then try to fire, it launches the missile. However, the missile just goes bananas.

it isnt. usually small helis get smaller heat signiture. but a Harrier? that could be some bug or strange weather system’s fault

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yeah in snowy maps alluetes could only be lock like 2 km away

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