Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Was placed the order for the OF-40s, but after got cancelled

And the OF-40 was created to replace the old italian tanks that were in service at the time

I guess it would be like latests SU-25’s without any armour, and USSR just got another striker, kinda enough to have above 10.0.
I would rather them add any to 7.7-9.7 range instead with aircrafts like Su-25 prototype being limited to onky S-24 and IL-40P.

It should be higher as it carries R-73s, should also come with Aermacchi M-346FA (and a hell of a lot of preceding Aermacchi variants…).

More like soviet AMX, fly high and throw guided bombs.

this would depends on what br it stays. if go 10.3 or 10.7 with amx, it would have r-60m

Well just as I said the latests Su-25’s that carry R-73 too.

Latests SU-25’s can do so too.

It’s more maneuverable than any Su25

not in 10.3/7, which this kind of jet mainly stays.
this kind means a slow jet with poor engine but have advanced weapons
and latests su-25s use missiles more, kab-500 is something that can hardly seen in game

Germany need Dutch F16 and Apache



Argentinian F16?

Nope, domestic F-4F ICE


Nah they don’t.

Fun fact. They already have the UHT that is far better than the AH-64D in game lol.


That can’t compete with other Top tier jets no matter how good missile it gets.

I mean i dont mean to be that guy but argentine F-16s are still too advanced for the game iirc, they may be A and B models but are being massively upgraded to either CM or Block 70 standard im fairly certain

By all means germany can get it as thats where the argentine vehicles go but people forget that they are still superior to anything we have in game and will be for a while, especially if they only get the armament they have received for them which is AIM-9X and Late AMRAAM C’s

I think the F-16AM MLUs from europe only reached block 50/52 standards, but still with worse radars.

Oh I thought it didn’t receive any upgrades

Yeah i think they are now effectively tranche 1 eurofighter equivalent maybe slightly below

It really depends. The Block 70 seems to use the APG-83, which the F-16AM/BM supposedly got in their tape 7.2 upgrade.

However from what I found in a quick search, as of 2017 denmark (who is selling their F-16s to argentine) only seems to have upgraded until tape 6.5.

There have been a number of voldbeg seasons that have started on Thursday, so it may happen.

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As usual the best thing you can do is to pray the Snail