Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

eh maybe canadian cf 18 but who knows or indian mig 27k


Depends on perspective.

FA2 is going to be fun

Harrier Gr9A and Tornado Gr4 should be intersting

Lower tier options like the Hawk and Gnat are LOOOONG overdue (and I think likely this year)

Then Typhoon could come as early as december now


I’m annoyed they haven’t said India’s placement and no I’m not classing the Commonwealth rule as a point for India. There gonna be a hidden reason.

But it is funny the most advanced Mig-21 is for Britain though

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They are properly adding more Indian stuff as the market is quite big for that


I just dont see the harrier being a good fox 3 platform, slow, not very agile and low top speed

Its BR is going to be key. But it wont be anywhere near as DOA as the F3 was upon arrival

IRL slapped the F3s all day long and even gave F-16s and F-18s a run for their money (in BVR)

What is more annoying is that apparently under the “Commonwealth rule” India fits but Canada doesn’t.

One is a nation that doesn’t exactly like the UK well, and the other is one that has been there for them through thick and thin.

Especially because India brings Russian stuff that clearly destroys the UK’s identity over Canada and Australia which would only bring Western stuff.


Yea that would be the monetary reason the other would be to fill that whole for the Typhoon and the Vickers line.

My only wishes for future air additions are: The CF18 in the british TT, the Typhoon, and the F2 for japan


So yea like I’ve said there have to be another reason why Britain is getting Indo-Soviet things

Canadian tech tree confirmed!!! 🤯

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german sub tree kek /j

CF-188, LAV-III or LAV-6.0, Canadain Leo, Candian ADATS.

And you have more or less the perfect Canadian top-tier/modern line-up. At least as a tie-over.


The LAVs would fit the british ifv gap at top tier

if the british get a canadian ifv before their own ones even they would turn against canads lol

Su30 for japan? have i missed something?

At this point, that seems like our only hope.

Even my tie-over line-up is a long hope. That might not ever pay off until we get our tree.

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I presume they mean through Indonesia or Malaysia, in the SEA sub-tree.


Everytime i bring up a canadian tech tree with my friends they always say its an insane idea and would be a horrible copy and paste tech tree, its like, what do you think israel is besides its top tier?

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ah alright

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