Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Finnish leo is called Leopard 2A6NL which is supposedly redistributed Dutch designs.

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so it will be pretty much the same

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Fyi, Hyperbar is the engine, not the transmission. Leclerc use ESM500 as transmission.


Why I say I’m unfamiliar with it. I probably should be though.

Together with the Fokker D.XXI they were the only ones with Dutch vehicles in game…until next patch.

No animosity here mate, just wanted to let you know!

Well, it would be easy to familiarize with those new vehicles(AKA theyre all copypastes), but there will be something interesting hopefully - not they would be 100% useful. YPR-765 PRAT is basically an ITV which would be cool, CV9035 as per the leak, and the fennek like a wiesel.

Gaijin appears to plan to work on Hyperbar engines and Continuously Variable Transmissions via full modelling, since they were acknowledged as suggestions, but I wonder…

Wouldn’t it be quicker and easier to simulate these, at least as stop-gap/temporary solution, by increasing the horsepower of the engines?

For example, I saw someone’s post stating that Type 10’s CVT implementation/modelling could be as simple as increasing its engine power to 1,333 HP, which would simulate the effect of the design by giving it improved acceleration. In Leclerc’s hyperbar case, maybe the solution would be again to increase its engine power to around 1,600 HP.

That’s probably what Gaijin will do anyway hahahah, but, so far, how would that work as a solution?

I saddly doubt anything “acknowledged” is on the work. Just that they know that something like that need work.

Alsoo doubt 100hp more would change as much as the Hyperbar would make :p

It is not that easy.
I cannot speak much about the Type 10, but i will roughly do that for the Leclerc-
Hyperbar for the most helps the vehicle in low-speed acceleration, it does have little effect at high speed, an HP buff would just buff it all around, and i doubt that even then 1.600 HP would be enough, i think you see where i’am going…

The Leclerc currently still does have slightly incorrect gear ratios and need some tuning, after it, the only thing missing is probably Hyperbar alone.


From what I understand 1,333hp would make it equal to Type 90 in mobility as a stopgap measure until they are properly modeled. In actuality it is known to be considerably faster accelerating, but it is just hard to pinpoint an exact value for how much, which is why “make it equal to Type 90 until it’s properly modeled” is suggested.

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i have pretty graphic description on how the speed for those 2 work
Type 10:



If you mean the new Yak-3, it’s been in the files since
Compared to the regular Yak-3, it’s a tiny bit better FM-wise at the cost of an MG, although it’s at a lower BR.

I simulated it actually through a user mission. It would require the HP of the Leclerc’s engine to be buffed all the way to 4,000 - 4,500 HP to get the Hyperbar performance. It’s sad.

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better FM, lower BR

and all that at the cost of only one 12.7mm? not even the 20mil has to go?

Huge emphasis on the word tiny. Think 2% less fuselage drag and 37 kg less weight (on a more than 2 ton aircraft).

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just figured they might put some more stuff in

Stuff, like?

kind of crazy that one MG less is enough for a lower BR at this part in the tree and at high tier you need a lot more to get .3 higher

Yeah, Gaijin probably has a Gold Mine when it comes to stuff that’s basically ready to be implemented into War Thunder.