Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

We’ve had steps in the right direction, but they certainly haven’t thought it’s a very big priority.

Yes! All we need now is the UFP to be more effective than T-64A’s, improved mobility and, ideally, get rid of the “fUeL tAnKs ExPlOdEd” insta-deaths that appear programmed every time a Leclerc is even hit anywhere.

So you want every MBT to be modelled correctly but you DON’T want 1 or 2 tanks to be better than others? I don’t think tank designers IRL are concerned about balance
You can’t have “equal objective technical abilities”, because some tanks are more “equal” than others.

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i think u misunderstood his point

… Dutch Leopard 2A6…for France?


aw sucks, Guess I’ll have to enjoy the sunny day. shame

I don’t mean equality when it comes to tank quality; I mean equality when it comes to tank modelling and implementation.

For example: right now, many tanks are worse than others but not because they are in real life; but rather because they are not their true 1:1 counterparts in real life either, or because they are extremely nerfed and broken…

So what I ask is to remove ALL artificial nerfs and underperforming bugs, and to actually implement equal counterparts for everyone.

For example; at this point, America should have got at least one uparmored Abrams… instead of Sweden getting their third Strv 122; or the fact that it took Germany several years to get ONE Strv 122-equivalent and yet it’s artificially nerfed not to be as well protected as the 122s when it should be the same, or even better at that.


Oh well better luck next time :p

I get his point, he doesn’t want the Chally, Merk and Ariete (and Type 10 etc etc.) to be neglected while other tanks get historical fixes, but if you fix all tanks, you will still find vehicles that are just better than others, so you are still stuck with “handheld” tanks

the dutch leo 2a6 will be the same as the finnish/german one? or it has improved thermals and stuff?

as above, he explaine further, of course they shouldnt all be equal, of course leopards will propably always be ebtter then arietes. But if they would be modelled right at least the gap would be smaller or no more additions until the other nations at least kept up a bit before strenghening swedens ground line up even further like it was the case with the strv122b+


The gap in capabilities would be much, much, much, much smaller, though!

Of course warfare is asymmetrical and you can’t expect 1:1 equivalency…

But the difference in capabilities between a fully fixed Leclerc S.XXI and a realistic T-80BVM would be way smaller than it is between an artificially butchered Leclerc S.XXI and an artificially survivable T-80BVM, for example.

Right now, playing anything outside of Sweden, Russia and, to a lesser degree, Germany, feels pointless. Maybe Japan gets a pass. But if every nation was treated equally, all nations would be nearly equally as capable, instead of being beneath most or above all others.


Gives me an excuse to grab the camera, can’t complain, it’s a lovely sunset


Just wonder how the Leclercs could have be the higher cost MBT at his release (and perhaps even now) with it’s capabilities in WT.

Sure the fact not a lot were build don’t help, but damn it would have been stealing things if that was the cost for something than old cold war Russian tank can pen like butter in the UFP and elsewhere x)

about when to expect dev blogs they could possible start as early as this week later on probly maybe on sunday or before but most likely they will start next week

I’m not an expert of Hyperbar transmission, but from what I keep hearing it would help the Leclerc a good amount.
Them giving a guesstimate on the splinter lining would also be nice. But they went out of their way to make us know they’ll refuse anything short of classified data.

he’s probably got the grass turned off in the settings lmao

also we might see a datamine tomorrow since the air event starts

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Hyperbar is really something i’m waiting for, but it would be even better alongside the day Gaijin finally gonna work on tanks not losings all speed when turning (forgot the official name)

Basically; I am an 8 nation player in Top Tier.

What I would like when I boot up the game is to STRUGGLE to choose which nation to play with, since all of them would be nearly as capable; and then, play with all of them, because they would all be as enjoyable in their own ways, with their strengths and weaknesses!

Instead, when I boot up the game, all I think of is: “ok, which stomping nation will it be this time… Sweden, or Russia? Maybe Germany or Japan, if I am feeling brave, I guess…”

But not for a single second do I even consider playing U.S, U.K, France or Israel… because, as it is right now, playing those is doing nothing but putting yourself in an underdog position compared to the nations that are lightyears ahead of these.

Playing U.S or Israel, as of now, has the exact same vibes as bringing low tier tanks into a top tier match. Literally the ONLY reason I can see why anyone would want to play them (let alone Italy lmao) is to challenge themselves.