Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


Is suppose to be coming this update

Wait its coming in this update? I thought it was coming much later. Neat.

i posted it here for funsies only not serious since its in war thunder mobile

FnF missiles are at the worst they’ll ever be going forwards. I also imagine the issue’s plaguing Spikes and other FnF missiles will be remedied by launching at 30-40k ft leading to a much higher strike angle on impact. Also remember brimstone ignores clouds and smoke, you need hardcover to break a lock. On maps like Sands of Sinai or Fields of Poland do not have much hard cover to break locks with.

In theory

Some Su25s can use R77 by using its RWR(I dont know how that works). Can it do something like that to use AMRAAM?

No, IIRC doesn’t even have the launch rails for amraam. Does get ASRAAM though


dont they need to have the underbelly radar to use the r77?

RIP A1-H Skyraider.

That 's too bad, since it 's proof of this being ready behind the scenes:
( [Development][RoadMap] The War Thunder Roadmap for Spring to Summer 2024 - News - War Thunder )

I doubt it. At least not that ive ever heard. The original plan for “joint force harrier” was for Sea harrier FA2s to deal with aircraft and Harrier Gr7/9 to deal with ground targets.

Though ASRAAM is basically a BVR in some respects

I have seen someone posting that it can use it without that under belly radar

Aww, I forgot I used that thing a lot.

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maybe with the arh mode straight of the rail, otherwise the rwr guiding it doesnt make much of a sense.

I’ve heard there was a plan to fit Shar radars to GR9s, but that was brushed off for being a rather insane amount of work before any physical work was done. Would be fun though

Yeah, there was something like that planned, but as with all great things in Britain, the politicians said no

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the thing is currently in game even just trees can break the lock of hellfires and such so I can see it being very janky, and I just for once want the uk to get something where it actually shows how strong one of our domestic options is

Tbh why would you need a harrier to do something like that when typhoon exists