oh yeah I remember the same excuse was made for the tornado “its flight model is still being worked on or we dont have the license to add it to the game”
I mean, it’s quite clear that a nation previously having a rank VII premium around the 10.0 BR range doesn’t influence them getting another rank VII MBT.
I didn’t see that, but more leopards are boring either way for germany. Boxer and other vehicles are more interesting.
I think that quote has something to do with the 3 year gap between the leo additions for germany and that it shouldn’t take another 3 years to get the next one
how is it stupid to focus on nations that need things at top tier?
Didn’t gaijin announce that they gonna add new high tier premiums for every nation. Germany didn’t get a premium yet. That’s why the can Leo is suspected being german
-High tier is played by a minority
-you suggested that by taking focus away from other nations (with good top tier) which have gaps in other parts of the tree
It’s not about need, it’s about money. German premiums simply make them more money.
Sure you can’t have money if you don’t make the TT appealing, or just don’t put interesting premium (or premium at all).
No I suggested working on nations that need it, its a fact of the game every update we will see top tier additions, I want those additions going to nations that actually need it not towards nations like russia, sweden, or germany
France has 29 in the tech tree and germany has 25. So germany should get more rank 5+ vehicles?
I hate it, it’s way to warm I am melting and I think my PC is thermal throttling here and there lmao. Although I might as well break out the tripod and solar filters for the camera again
lmao its only 20C here
France has no 10.0 mate i think we know who needs more love
yeah but overall more in the 2 shown pictures in the tech tree. I know france needs support vehicles but it’s funny that he is showing a picture where france has more vehicles
24C down in wilts, the room my PC is in is south facing too
i don’t get your point, Germany have 23 vehicles just in Rank I, what are these numbers ?
Good old 9.7 → 11.3 with nothing between…
Germany have more vehicle if you count the all TT but that’s stupid.
Did you take a look at the difference about premiums and rank VII?
rippp my room is facing towards the east so I get a lot of sun in the morning so it forces me awake on my days off : (
I don’t think the gap in popularity and money earnings between Germany and France can ever be completely closed.
Taking away the gap in player counts that happened over the years, Germany just has too many iconic vehicles that the casual people see in documentaries and want to play.
The two pictures of the french and german tech tree from the wiki rank5+ you sent. The german tech tree has 25 and france 29 considering only tech tree vehicles and no premium.