Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I don’t understand why they haven’t released the research discount when starting a new tree yet, it’s been basically a year.

Same, but i think they are trying to figure out the balance. If they make the reward to big then people wont need a premium vehicle to fasten their research, so Gaijin would also increased RP needed to research for vehicles.

What would be nice maybe that if you spade your vehicle, the RP (and maybe even SL) reward would increase for it. And having a full line up of spaded vehicles would help a lot in research.

For a sub-TT. I agree some nation needs sub TT. Like Japan…France i don’t know how they want to implement it as ground already have 5 lines. But then there are nation that have a pretty huge amount of domestic made vehicles and some CaP vehicle that were heavily modified like Czechoslovakia and Poland. Those nations shouldn’t be sub-TTs at all.


We can put it in a nice pile together with all the things that were supposedly never going to be added to the game and which showed up anyway when the time was right.

I didn’t ask where people get this information, I ask why people accept it uncritically.

This game has the strangest player base sometimes. People are ready to doubt everything and anything Gaijin says about the economy, balance, future plans, motives, anything under the sun - but the UI limitation must be true. There’s no way they could simply be a company saying stuff for PR reasons and keeping their cards close to their chests.

I would like to remind y’all that for years, Gaijin said that it was technically impossible to give airplanes different BRs in ground game modes vs air modes. That it was a limitation of the engine.

Guess what’s on the roadmap now?


nope this isnt an ifv, its a CRV a combat recon vehicle, so it cant carry infantryman

I dont speak russian so i have 0 clue what he is saying

If gaijin wishes to introduce benelux, they dont have to break the rules previously set. The most likely results is that the vehicles of the subtree would be broken up into where they fit per BR and role. Shuffling the first and fifth branch and redistributing TD and light tanks are an option as well, and using the spare space for benelux.

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Because it came not only form a mod but a Dev themselfs.

They didn’t list Sub-tree in their example.

they said: “Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations, and we have no intentions of stopping there!”
here is a list of nations in game:

That there are 10 nations.

If they would have listed the sub-trees

Would have made it 13 nations if they didn’t list sub-trees. Or 12 if Hungary wasn’t out yet.

If i got it right what you ment then yeah, i was thinking the same thing that if BeNeLux will come, they will spread the vehicles into existing lines. SPAAs into spaa line, MBT, into MBT line, TD, IFV, light vehicles into their lines. That is probably only option.


There is a pie chart towards the end of the video, which demonstrates that for top tier(11.7+), USSR and Germany tops the chart at 28% and 27% participation, US at 21%, and Sweden, arguably in its best form(where it does not have foes such as AGM-65G armed F-16C, Hungarian gripen and harrier, or Su-25SM3), still only attributed 7% to the player count. In comparison, China, with a much more miserable top tier experience, has the number at 5%.

could just add the 2 page system, blue water and coastal style, but jesus they are stuck in their way


Yeah that would be the best way to do it

Yeah. As of possible Leopard 2A4/5/6, they just go below the AMX-40.

Ah finally a replacement for the Luchs

I still question about its naming, when Germany names their weapon schewr it usuaully doesnt end up reliable, ref: that big gun

Schwer just means that this is the heavy one and there is also a Light one

the light one is the Wiesel I believe

If a dev told you it can’t be done because the dog ate their homework, would you believe that as well?

I repeat, once again, they said the same thing about BRs for planes. That it was impossible to split them. Turns out it’s possible after all. Weird, yeah?

If they’ve decided to proceed with sub trees, it won’t be the UI that makes them reconsider their business strategy. Come on, let’s be serious.

Besides, we can already research helicopters with ground vehicles, and they’re in different tabs. Nothing is stopping them from replicating that model for sub trees.

That is a complete non-statement frankly. It’s the definition of PR speak. I don’t think we’re gonna see any new tech tree any time soon, and the fact that BLX has been leaked as a sub tree reinforces my suspicions.

But anyway. Irrespective of what they decide to do, I know what I think would be the right thing to do. And that’s no more independent tech trees, at least not for the foreseeable future.

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Czechoslovakia or Poland. for a Warsaw nation.
Yugolvia is definitely needed.
Swisserland is a good option.
Canada and Australia have a good number of domestic and licenced built themselves.
Something for Latin America
For full trees that is what I can think of.

half we have:
Korea (Both)

That is a number of both unique and possible new TTs.

Its still wild to read tho.

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Whats wild is how mad they get if you try to suggest advice.

Sub-trees should be done like that but the Devs decided to dig in with the sub-tree is a line thing.

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Poland should be independent/on its own

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