Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

and he is saying it would properly be a premium

bit like the event boxer

But what is there for Israel? Still think that Israel itself should be a sub-tt…but to what? The only posibility would be for US…but i dont think any big 3 nations need sub-tt

i mean, it would be a very gajin thing to do

It still has troop carrying capacity?

ah my bad I thought he was saying it as a whole not the research part lol

I’d say the next German premium should be the Leopard 2SG new MBT

the general agreement as far as i remember is that chile would make a goodish israel sub tree

Yeah it would and the 9.3 wheeled premium pack is being removed from the store as well which also reinforces my belief that it will be premium

buddy i am repeating myself here, the 2a4m can was leaked, we know its coming for germany.
Besides that the 2SG is only another 2PL version

Sub tech trees definitely help in that regard. I immediately started seeing more Italy players once Hungary was added, for example.

Also, it’s not just a matter of being interesting, unfortunately. The grind is much harder when you have a sparse tree. You do poorly without full lineups, the research from one vehicle to the next is long… it’s often a frustrating experience. Sub trees help with that too.

Rather than have more tech trees that will suffer a similar fate, priority should go to making all the existing ones feel good to play.

You’re also forgetting something - since everyone gets on average a vehicle per update, the newer tech trees are always at a numerical disadvantage compared to the big ones. The only way to fix that is, again, sub trees which provide big injections of content.

They could do better. I don’t understand why they haven’t released the research discount when starting a new tree yet, it’s been basically a year.

But they obviously do care in some respects or sub trees wouldn’t be a thing at all.

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Chile or Singapore seem to be the options.

Even today they accounted for more than 3/4 of the player base. K2 discussed this in his video Sweden was argued to be the best tree for the subject of top tier, but at least by Febuary they still only account for 1/3 of the significance of the US, and 1/4 that of Russia and Germany. This is also BR 11.7+, and before the current patch where Su-25SM3 does not exist.

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Also how do you get a long name like if i wanted the name ‘‘DrillInstructor#4’’?

no clue

I will never, ever understand how people still take this thing seriously. What is this, a high school videogame made for free to pass an exam?

Do you really think, if Gaijin chooses to do something, that a UI limitation like that will stop them?

Literally all they need to do to fix this is to add tabs to a tech tree. We can already research helicopters with ground vehicles even though they’re in different locations. This is not going to stop them.

In fact, even though this is just my personal speculation, I think the CBT we’re likely getting in the coming update is about a new way to organise and folder sub-trees inside the current tech trees.

No, they’ve said they won’t stop adding nations to War Thunder. Like, say, for example… Hungary.

Nations and tech trees are no longer necessarily synonyms in this game. That’s a good thing, and it should have happened some time ago already.

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Yeah they have said they won’t add more then 5 lines


because its an official statement we get from gajin every time we complain about it


Namer is on the leak list. If its good enough(30mm+spike), id probably just grind it and say that I have done on Israel. After all its CAS that matters for 11.0+ Israel, kurnass, K2K, yanshuf, barak 2 etc.

I don’t understand why they haven’t released the research discount when starting a new tree yet, it’s been basically a year.

Same, but i think they are trying to figure out the balance. If they make the reward to big then people wont need a premium vehicle to fasten their research, so Gaijin would also increased RP needed to research for vehicles.

What would be nice maybe that if you spade your vehicle, the RP (and maybe even SL) reward would increase for it. And having a full line up of spaded vehicles would help a lot in research.

For a sub-TT. I agree some nation needs sub TT. Like Japan…France i don’t know how they want to implement it as ground already have 5 lines. But then there are nation that have a pretty huge amount of domestic made vehicles and some CaP vehicle that were heavily modified like Czechoslovakia and Poland. Those nations shouldn’t be sub-TTs at all.


We can put it in a nice pile together with all the things that were supposedly never going to be added to the game and which showed up anyway when the time was right.

I didn’t ask where people get this information, I ask why people accept it uncritically.

This game has the strangest player base sometimes. People are ready to doubt everything and anything Gaijin says about the economy, balance, future plans, motives, anything under the sun - but the UI limitation must be true. There’s no way they could simply be a company saying stuff for PR reasons and keeping their cards close to their chests.

I would like to remind y’all that for years, Gaijin said that it was technically impossible to give airplanes different BRs in ground game modes vs air modes. That it was a limitation of the engine.

Guess what’s on the roadmap now?