Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I more really a need as we need IFVs and other light vehicles at that BR which the Desert Warrior can fill but that might be a premium

Hear. Usually I would say they should go to the TT, but the desert warrior is at most 60% British and isnt operated by Britain, so it just felt out of place in the TT.

I think the only reason why most of players stick to main 3 was becuase Gaijin didnt made the new TT interesting, gave them no attantion and most of the time when you read about changes, 95% of time it was just nerft, so why play new nation when Gaijin dont give a poopoo about it?


They do use the 2a4 as there MBT

yes different versions, doesnt matter, the 2a4m can propably is the german premium

Ok, so you want every TT to get every vehicle to exist.

As the host will get everything the sub-nation uses. I can show examples of why these become bad.

Japan is the last nation that needs a sub-tree. The 5-line rules exist. There is nowhere a Canadian sub-tree can exist.

Gajin has started that more tech trees are coming. Canada is a perfect option. (after a second Warsaw nation and Yugoslvia.)

israel as well

That’s the most ridicules statement I ever heard. If it was a British company and got selled abroad and there nations isn’t in game then it will go to Britain. Look at the Jordan tank

That tank has Swiss gun and a new loader assist

Israel needs it’s domestic TDs and IFVs first.

and he is saying it would properly be a premium

bit like the event boxer

But what is there for Israel? Still think that Israel itself should be a sub-tt…but to what? The only posibility would be for US…but i dont think any big 3 nations need sub-tt

i mean, it would be a very gajin thing to do

It still has troop carrying capacity?

ah my bad I thought he was saying it as a whole not the research part lol

I’d say the next German premium should be the Leopard 2SG new MBT

the general agreement as far as i remember is that chile would make a goodish israel sub tree

Yeah it would and the 9.3 wheeled premium pack is being removed from the store as well which also reinforces my belief that it will be premium

buddy i am repeating myself here, the 2a4m can was leaked, we know its coming for germany.
Besides that the 2SG is only another 2PL version

Sub tech trees definitely help in that regard. I immediately started seeing more Italy players once Hungary was added, for example.

Also, it’s not just a matter of being interesting, unfortunately. The grind is much harder when you have a sparse tree. You do poorly without full lineups, the research from one vehicle to the next is long… it’s often a frustrating experience. Sub trees help with that too.

Rather than have more tech trees that will suffer a similar fate, priority should go to making all the existing ones feel good to play.

You’re also forgetting something - since everyone gets on average a vehicle per update, the newer tech trees are always at a numerical disadvantage compared to the big ones. The only way to fix that is, again, sub trees which provide big injections of content.

They could do better. I don’t understand why they haven’t released the research discount when starting a new tree yet, it’s been basically a year.

But they obviously do care in some respects or sub trees wouldn’t be a thing at all.

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