Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

With the AMX A1.1 from Brazil I just can’t help but think gaijin got the idea from HOI 4.

I mean think when we last had a SA vehicles it was the TAM 2P right ? and that was a fair few years back now.

I just feel like this aircraft is testing the waters a bit like how the Thai F-5 is.

It is just an example

Wrt Active Skyflash, is this any use?

Yeah. Major sources claims that they were cancelled before any was built, or cancelled with only little numbers built due to the lack of customers, being the RAF and Swedish air force.

Some were built, likely just as models, to be displayed on the Hawk 200


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Well, we dont get horrible logistics like fighting in the Amazon, you ask me these tile changes are so stupid. The A-1A is probably going to be something between the aerfer ariete and F-104S TAF, currently Italy indeed has a huge gap between 9.0 ish and 11.0 ish prems like Sweden or Israel.

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So its slightly better than the RU vs US chest thumpings

My experience was that a lot of people climbed on the last dev server and this was because fox 3s were a lot more comparably balanced than fox 1s nowadays where there’s a much bigger gulf between R-27ER and anything else

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she broke the model lol

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What is that S225X missile?

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Meteor prototype to my understanding


If it’s gonna be rank VI I may pick it up as it would be a good sim grinder

Yeah there’d they’d have a harder job shooting them down.
Perhaps actual radar mechanics and crappier radars on the awacs should apply.


Maybe it will replace Eugen as the pack premium.

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Yeah, thatd be best

Still like that Brazilian AMX is same as we have in game, but instead of 20mm vulcan, it has twin 30mm guns, same as Mirage

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Hey, do you mind me asking where you found this photo? Image searching came up with nothing so I assume you didn’t just find it on Google or something.

On a side note, I don’t know if the conversation about the 6 Sidewinder NF-5 has already been concluded already but I personally find it very hard to believe. The only source I’ve seen so far is the page from the Nationaal Militair Museum website and museums are absolutely not immune to making mistakes. From what I can tell pretty much every single confirmed instance of F-5s getting upgraded beyond their original 2x AAM count did so in very extensive upgrade programs but I haven’t see any mention of RNLAF F-5s undergoing any kind of comparable upgrade programs.

Not saying that I’m outright writing it off as being a possibility but I feel like I would need something more concrete like a photo or mentions in a RNLAF flight manual to believe it.


I got it from the BeNeLux tree discord server, it’s basically a rack on the belly they’ve been experimenting with to gain an additional 2 missiles, but indeed i haven’t found anything confirming the 6 missiles claim, so looks like it’s 4 max. (which is still rlly nice)

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tbf the commonwealth argument is actually pretty strong when you look at nations like Canada or Australia it just falls apart when you look at nations Britain didnt have much to do with in the common wealth like India, it like the swiss for germany is really weak just because they are nabours and are some what related in culture i think


also this isnt to start an argument or anything but why does germany get Argentina? im just curious is all Im not familiar with there historical ties (you know outside of being one of the big nations the Nazi’s fled to)