I think the fox 3s will take quite a bit of the trailer time seeing as it looks to be the feature that most people are excited about.
Yeah, same dispensers as on the F-5C
But people said F-5C didnt have flares irl
Jup i would, besides that we dont know if they are moving french stuff around
Also, the attrocity that is the RNlAF roundel. It belongs on aircraft of the Czech republic
Thats because the F-5C wasnt upgraded with countermeasures, those came later for the F-5A’s
Yeah, I just hope we get at least 3 seconds of a FA2 taking off from a ramped carrier. Then I’ll be happy
No it doesn’t. Red white and blue with an orange center. Thats about as Dutch as it gets.
Quite common colours, just look at US colours or modern day russia.
red white and blue are the 3 most common flag colours
there are many nations which have exactly these 3 in thwir flag
Now that i doubt
Lol yeah of course. But its just something about the geometry of the red white and blue in the roundel which screams Czsechia
Any source on the 6 instead of let’s say 4?
yeah u were right 4 only, i wrongly remembered i thought they increased from 2->6 , but only was to 4
You actually got me
he got many people, and you can’t even blame him he wrote that it’s fake and fictional while posting it
F-15C opening the AESA radar era. Maybe the 2005 MSIP variant without the 9X and just the AIM-120A,B maybe even the C5. The F/A 18 is amazing at dogfighting therefore it can come with the “EU canards”. The F-15 is known for its BVR ability. That’s why I think we will get the F-15 C. Or it is totally offtopic and gaijin adds carriers and the F-14D with the 9M and AIM-120A. 🤔
As we all know, A6ESWIP is included in the leaked list, so its credibility is the highest.
F/A 18 got nothing comparable to the Eurocanards
and the first AESA carrier will probably just like IRL be the F-2A
F/A18 is no where near the euro canards