Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

F-15C opening the AESA radar era. Maybe the 2005 MSIP variant without the 9X and just the AIM-120A,B maybe even the C5. The F/A 18 is amazing at dogfighting therefore it can come with the “EU canards”. The F-15 is known for its BVR ability. That’s why I think we will get the F-15 C. Or it is totally offtopic and gaijin adds carriers and the F-14D with the 9M and AIM-120A. 🤔

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As we all know, A6ESWIP is included in the leaked list, so its credibility is the highest.


F/A 18 got nothing comparable to the Eurocanards

and the first AESA carrier will probably just like IRL be the F-2A


F/A18 is no where near the euro canards

it’s not even comparable to an F-16

Yeah lol

But Gszabi says the leak list is credible (except the SWIP), and i find him trustable


the leaker itself too is very reliable

he had at least 3 updates where his leaks were 80% correct

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I think the SWIP was filled in deliberately by the leaker. There is no SWIP in several updates. Therefore, if there is a SWIP, the credibility is the highest.

gawd I hope it’s correct cause I want my precious Scimmie, I don’t even care if I have to grind it in the french tree, with Belgium on the way a CVRT is almost garenteed. So I’mma be over here huffing copium its a Scimitar and not just a copy paste Striker.

thr SWIP is a running joke

like Client stability improved


Why does that look like an unfinished prototype

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finished it was but did it have weapons is another question

France is the first naval techtree to be added after the coastal/bluewater split, so this might be a new kind of normal.

There were a couple of vehicle-type trees planned in 2019-2020 according to the Q&A 's of the time, French naval, helicopter and naval for China. There was some kind of delay mentioned for the China helitree, but it still came - it seems like the naval component for France might finally be in a mature enough state of development for the Coastal section to begin introduction.


i mean lets add them together, gives the eurocanards sth to hunt

Me, a Czech, reading something about Czechia.





Uhm… does anyone else have server issues?

had 500 ping today so I guess

Won’t be in game, but a lot of stuff that isn’t in game appears in the trailers

Can someone tell me what tc-1L is?