Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I find it funny they made the tram intruder the most advanced version of the A6 a premium

russia has the dart with the highest pen in the game

I bet that proper F-15J with AAM-4B will be in the next patch.

they don’t

simn said it was said in one of the road map blogs but he never gave a link to the post I dont think

I thought the SWIP was more advanced?

They do.

shot 2024.03.13 19.10.00

instead russia has multiple tanks that can just tank 600+ darts lol and they did get the object 292 that has 695mm of pen so technically they do

i forgot about that

besides that, does russia even have a better dart Avalible?

didn’t they already add 3BM60 which iirc is their current dart?

im pretty sure 3BM60 is their current best dart

I meant like in the Field, IRL btw

idk if you meant that too tbh

As far as I’m aware, 3BM60 is their current best round in inventory. Similar to China’s top round.

Their newer ammunition was to be used on the T-14, but that tank has been canceled

so uhm no better round for Russia

they should’ve made the Obj. idk-I-Forgot-the-number into their next top tier tank then

there are better rounds but for just prototypes

262 the event vehicle?

And I much as like to say it’s not “overpowered” I find it its.

Tho I was in 9.3 Leos.

France at high tier, Italy at top tier and Israel at most tiers are the 3 that are the most urgent imo.

it has the best dart and a 15cm HE too

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3BM59, the DU version of the 3BM60 is supposed to have like 5% or more pen than the 3BM60…

wasnt that meant for export or something?