Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Of course. They’ve spent so long making yet another IFV for Sweden, we have to give them a break and allow them to use their ctrl, c, and v keys.


the fact that the amx 32 (105) is 9.3 prove your point :(

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Sweden is their new baby, they’re putting all their work/love into it, and they see that it’s making them money, so instead of offering the same love/work to others nations who have been there longer, they might as well copy and paste the vehicles that work, I suppose.


Don’t forget “the reload is quicker than the 120” in the devblog, i’m still waiting that they don’t put the same reload time as the 120 xD


Gaijin seems to have forgotten the definition of the word “investment”.

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I’d rather have that as a tree than them being wasted as subtrees for Germany and France

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Or just don’t put them as subTT, and put vehicle linked to Germany or France from those nation, like individual vehicle.

Not everything have to come as subTT now ^^


I agree , but Gaijin will never do this !
(see the t90 in GB or Hunter in germany)

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Yea X vehicles linked to X countries days are over.

Now it’s what they are lacking and this thing will do


I wouldn’t expect that, unless Gaijin’s long term plans change. ;)


They already done that.

They said the Hunter in Germany dosn’t mean at all Swiss subTT confirmed for Germany (if my memory is good).

They already have done that, and could totally give individual vehicle without always linking a sub nation to the other.

*Laughs in the know lol



Yeah that works for Dutch Leopards and Belgian Mirages (or Dutch AMX-13s and Belgian Gepards if you want to switch them around like Gaijin) but what about the rest that aren’t from France or Germany?

Even then Gaijin continues to puzzle me since the CV90 is Swedish…

Good question.

But as long we don’t get leos for France or Mirage for Germany or other stupid things like that that should never happen with subTT… x)

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Well, let’s put to bed an important distinction first. A vehicle’s filename and a model’s name / model’s folder name are different things.

Using previous examples, the le.Pz.Spw. 204 (f) (5cm)'s filename is germ_amd_35_kwk, while the model’s name is amd_35_kwk and the model’s folder name is fr_amd_35_kwk. It’s German in-game.
Similarly, the Sa’ar’s filename is md_460_saar and the model’s name is md_460_super_mystere_b2_saar, while the model’s folder name is fr_md_460. It’s Israeli in-game.

My point is, CDK folder names are unreliable. As we don’t know whether Olivia’s leaks use filenames, CDK names, lang names, or a combination of them, we also can’t be sure about the nationalities of the additions.

With that said, I still wouldn’t expect the CV9035NL to not be in the French tree with a couple of “friends”, not so SoonTM, unless plans change.


Possible to rephrase without double/triple negation, my translator (brain) break. xD

still expect* and to be in*, then.


And so, for you it’s coming soon ?

Not at all soon.