Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Undoubtedly, it is essential for the developers to prioritize attention on the smaller and less represented nations in War Thunder, Specifically, Great Britain, China, Japan, Italy, and France are in need of enhancements for both their Ground Tech tree and Supporting Plane Tech Trees.

(I’m referring to aspects such as game balance , armor values , and ammunition diversity, rather than merely addressing a gap in the tech tree that requires filling)

Conversely, the USA, Germany, USSR, and Sweden seem to be in a more favorable position at the moment.

Once I’m home from work, I’ll analyze my tech trees to identify any gaps that require addressing

French and Israeli air aren’t too bad generally, as can somewhat be said for Britain, though to a much low degree. French, British, and Israeli ground, on the other hand, need a tremendous amount of work in order to be considered “competitive” in any sense of the word.

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I know it’s imbalanced, my question was what is there left to add for the rest?

I completely agree. In my previous response, I also took into consideration game balance, armor values, and the differences in ammunition across various nations. Our discussion extends beyond the specific vehicles

Balancing adjustments, accurate armor profiles, optimal ammunition usage, precise engine tolerances, and fine-tuning gear-to-speed ratios

What can ECM do exactly? I can’t find precise description on google. Or how will ECM influence the top tier air combat?

While I appreciate the game developers’ focus on the major nations like the U.S.A, Germany, and Russia, there’s a compelling case for paying attention to smaller nations. By doing so, we could engage a broader player base and generate more interest. Additionally, it opens up opportunities for unique event or Golden Eagle (GE) vehicles specific to those smaller countries.

However, the current imbalance in favor of the big three nations is beginning to impact the overall game balance

Recently Egyption Rafales and Su-3-something did mock dogfights and the Su couldn’t even see the Rafale due to jamming so there is a recent modern example.

ECM is an umbrella term

for the game most relevant are Radar Jammers, they can work in different ways

for example by tricking Enemy radar to believe there is a second aircraft with a stronger signal like the SPS-141



some work just by sending a bunch of loud nonsense on the Radar’s Frequency

but there are many different ways Radar Jammers can work

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Image result for we've been jammed gif

Electronic Attack: An Overview of Electronic Warfare Part 4 | Mercury ...


look at vtol vr, they recently added jammers

or at DCS they got that too

vtol vr simplifies it

Fair. Still 3 out of 10 is still messed up.

In terms of MBTs rhere are still a few models to be added, but a lot of the tanks would also need fixes to a lot of their problems. In no real order of priority the following would be nice:

  • 2A7HU
  • Leclerc XLR (together with more fixes to all Leclercs)
  • Merkava Mk.4 Barak (with fixes to all Merkavas)
  • Prototype CR3 that were photographed recently
  • SEPv3.

And just more IFVs in general, especially for France, Israel and Britain. The ZBD04A was a really nice addition to China and really added a lot to their top tier experience imo.


Light tank/IFV/APC/Support things, and more modern vehicle for everybody.

Lacking spall liner.

Here some examples (more are possible) of light tank (not even IFV) for France for high/top tier. They better not say they don’t know what to give us after 6years of MBTs only.


Everything with TTB is stabilised

worked by SupersoakingAMX

Some nation also lack a big chunk of ww2/cold war stuff.
There is always more to add.


Only service vehicles. I know you’re thinking about New Zealand F-16

No i was think about the T80U

France: has one of the highest number of light vehicles out of all the nations in game.
Gaijin: No.


They just give them as premium… After years of “you want an early tank with stab? Buy the Super 30!” now it’s “You want light tank at top tier? Buy VBCI !”. Disgusting.

Never forget how they say no to a modern Leclerc premium like almost everybody have 1 or 2 already, because:

1/ we don’t have lineup for them (It’s not as if they’d left this lineup deserted for all those years without ever working on it, hu ? We are the only country without ~10.0/11.0 lineup in the game for like ~6years)

2/ They don’t give top rank/tier premium (but few days after saying that they released the F-20, lmao)

I’m sure they love the higher stat of France, this give them the best excuse to not work on it, and always up the BR and repair cost with “yeah but stats are good, so you don’t need that”.

They better not add a light vehicle for the next premium.

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Gaijin would rather add yet another Swedish IFV and just copy and paste that over to France, despite there being not even an indirect connection, which really tells you all you need to know.