Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Indeed, 3 cool vehicle also btw, easy to see this is a total wishlist :p


its also pretty weird that the Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - ICV for Japan hasnt made the leak-list.
It becomes time that they get this thing together with the CHU-MPM.


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Really strange choice of pilot place and shape of cockpit, almost a “shoot me there”

Can it go down?


Also, Japan misses lots of their lower tier tanks. People have been complaining since the beginning of the addition of Japan, for more lower tier tanks.
When will they finally listen and add those tanks.


Probably right after some cool and fun French low tier :p

Yeah, the introduction of a TT start at the lower tiers.

Australian F/A-18A premium…
I wish but pretty clear fake. Even if they nerf it down to below top Br they’d not sell a top airframe like that.

F-20A was already pushing it but there are still better airframes like the F-16 and F-15.
They did with the A-10 a tt and premium but again not a top airframe.

99% certain the list is fake. 1% hopium it’s not.

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…before you teamkill your entire team with a nuke…if it was realistic. He was just roleplaying.

Yeah, this update is going to be a wild ride. Since we haven’t gotten any hints or guidelines yet about the upcoming update.
The only thing we know is what they said half a year ago about adding more AAM - but thats it.

Which could also mean that some minor nations might only receive one premium vehicle and missles to already existing frames. (which wouldn’t surprise me at all)


Im wondering, why so many people want more and more modern stuffs when it take so long to grind them. Even if you skip whole TT with top tier premium, it still take some time to get the vehicle. Plus the modern you get then more copy and paste it get (I dont mind copy and paste if its done well and i already count for the newest top tiers will be almost same things)

Personally im more exited for low tier and mid tier stuffs. Especially any SPAAs that would fill the gaps that most of TT have…plus the older designs were the most crazy and fun one XD Plus, for newer players, they are much easier to reach


Me too.
But then you can wait a long time. Gaijin isnt adding more lower tier stuff that is going to be game changing.
For instance. Look at the lower tiers of Japan, China, France and Italy. They have around 10-20 low tier (rank 1 to 2) vehicles. Over they years we only received maybe 1 or 2 extra additions to them.

Japan has been in the game since 2016 - only 2 years after the US, RU and GE - yet Japan almost has 150-200 vehicles less then them despite them having so many options left.
Also, Japan has been suffering ever since they got added - yet they haven’t done anything to help Japan out.
So why do you think they would care about all other nations?

If it aint Russia or US - we aint getting it.

And don’t get me wrong - if there is one person who hates top tier - it’s me.
But hoping for more lower tier stuff (rank 1 to 4) is just a waste of time.

Look at this: the A6M5 mod. 52 Hei was the last TT plane for Japan under rank 7 added in the last 3 years - it was added in update Ixwa Strike - Then in update new power we got the mitsubishi F-1 (rank VI) which is 4 years ago.
Oh and in oct 2021 in update direct hit we got a C&P F-4EJ KAI.

So yeah. They really dont care about minor nations.
That is the exact same reason why France is still lacking so many of their vehicles from rank 1 to 5, China missing indiginous designs and the same goes for Italy.

And in may 2020 we got these in the TT:

  • B6N1 Model 11
  • B6N2 Model 12
  • B6N2a Model 12Ko
  • F-104J

So in the last 4 years we have gotten 8 TT planes for Japan.
Eventhough we havent seen their most produced bombers yet and still missing lots of modifications.


We don’t have Submarines currently in War Thunder (WT Mobile is a seperate game). So there is no current relevance to ASW weaponary.

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Personally i dont think submarines would be good addition into the game now as i still feel like the Naval battles is higly unbalanced at this point and getting full uptiers is just a death sentence. Especialy when you are at the end of coaster vessels (where some at 4.7) and you can face 5.7 ships…yeah, not fun at all


not to mention the grind and the bad SL-RP modifier.

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Is there a serious leak list? Say from the Chinese leaker who predicted most of the vehicles in the previous update?

no, its all fake


Damn, I’ll check back later! :D

All good

Too much good stuff for Britain France and Italy, so I highly doubt so.

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油库里 has been relatively quiet right now.