Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The only reason why minor nations are struggling is because of the lack of care of Gaijin.
If minor nations received as much love as Russia and the US - this game would have been in a way better state.


? i dont get it.

Forget, just saying i’m waiting for a lot of things :p


Worst part is when each time for years you see other nations getting something, you KNOW your nation made something similar and hope for it to come, but it never come x)

(centauro family, wiesel family, other rats, SPAA like falcon, fox, etc etc etc)

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BTW, its freaking weird we haven’t seen any strike fighter for Japan yet.
Like, where the hell are the Fuji T-1A and the Fuji T-1B.
That’s what i mean.

Gaijin: Oh you want a Japanese strike fighter? Here you have another Russian ob-XXX and a rank 5 coastal boat which takes ages to grind because the RP and SL gains in naval are awfull.

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APG-65 was explicitly mentioned.

That sounds like an issue that would be resolved if more countries including Germany participated in the Mk3 project. Seems like to me its a contradictory statement. You can’t reduce maintenance costs and increase availability of parts if you don’t do your part in ordering large number of aircrafts to make reduced maintenance costs and increased # of parts a viability.

You can’t refuse to buy a certain European product on the basis that there’s not enough parts, but then run to American products, buying it, and helping to reduce the maintenance costs and increasing the availability of parts by the simple action of ordering their vehicles. F-35 wouldn’t be as cheap as it is if it wasn’t for the multitude of countries ordering it.

As an American, I’m of the opinion that European countries should buy European products even if it is slightly higher in price or slightly lower in quality. You can’t blame a product for not having the benefits of mass scale production if you’re not willing to give it mass scale production.


Ha, basic American that think that whatever USA made, it’s top notch and no other country on earth is able to produce quality ?


I think they forget who develops these kinds of tech…

Tech - designed by the Netherlands, Germany and France.
Produced - US.

Personally I find the idea of France getting a sub tree pretty unlikely

It is the minor nation that needs outside help the least in my opinion. Meanwhile we have Israel, Japan really struggling

The ZA Gripen does not constitute a sub tree. All South African vehicles go to Britain, yes, however only the ground tree has a sub tree.

I don’t want to start the game of wich have the biggest one, just don’t like to read things like that xD

I remeber them saying that it is a part of the subTT as UK has ZA subTT. I will have to look for it later.

Maybe they’ll combine the next event w/ the " Legend of Victory " event ? They’re expected to run at similar times.

Next event is expected to be an Air one, if it is combined w/ LoV then it might be the first one to feature an aircraft as a prize - the last two have been tanks. I remember a couple leaked aircraft of a similar era to the previous prizes:

( Kiszivárgott repülők listája – 2019 Május – WT Info )


Anything to highlight Russia.

probably going to be premiums or event vehicles… just like every other actual hungarian plane.

Indeed, France don’t need subTT, it need more work/love.

But if subTT is the only way for Gaijin to bring us more player, and to give us more than the usual 1/2 vehicle per update (when its not 0 for long time during the pass years) , i’m all for it.

But, i would prefer they really start to give us handfull of domestic toys.

The next one is known to be an air one.

There has already been an air one, that of the Jaguar IS.

The last ground event before the current one was the first of the year, before the aforementioned air one and the naval one following that.

At the very least if BeNeLux is given to France, it will likely mean that at least a few of the high tier Dutch and Belgian light vehicles will come.


The term “subnation” has not been used by Gaijin to describe anything.

You can’t just come out inventing rules for the game that don’t exist.

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It’s almost like he said “that’s how I think of it”, and not “that’s how Gaijin has said it”.


Still doubt on that.