turtle upgrade
the fact like the Type-42 or Type-82 destroyers for the UK arent in there with ships of similar capabilities is criminal
From what I can read, T-80BVM (Obr. 2023) would have a 20km/h reverse gear speed, better ERA coverage (reaching all the way to the back and above the mudguards) and… paradoxically, seemingly worse thermals?
1PN96MT. What gen are those?
If the thermals are 3rd gen as the ingame BVM, or at least 2nd gen, the tank will be a direct upgrade; but if they were 1st gen, they would be such a big downgrade that it would make the tank as a whole more of a sidegrade than an upgrade hahah.
I would honestly grind israeli coastal tree instantly if they added their missile frigates
just a Phalanx and missiles are all I need
Probably going to be modeled the same as they are on the regular BVM
insta dies to anti air before firing
good luck with that
Ok here me out, we get HMS Sutherland, with the experimental LMM mounts on the 40mm’s, but we also give it Dragonfire pre-emptively since it will probably be tested on that.
na kinda jumping the gun with a Type-23 frigate we could see the Type-21 tho
The thermal sight on it would be a Gen 2+ ish.
While a seemingly better kit, at least when angled anyway, it wouldn’t change much, just another T-80.
Edit, an obr.2k23 T-72B3 would be much of the same but with an actual CITV, a thing that is missing from the tanks in that line
You know You can’t just strap a new cannon and call a 2A6 a 2A7, Main difference between 2A6 and 2A7 is that 2A7 uses D tech Hull armor instead of C tech wich means its base armor rounds around the 500 to 600 mm of protection, and 2A7 it’s equipped with much more electronics and Fcs upgrades
BVM obr. 2023? But Why? would rather prefer T-72B2 Rogatka or Object-219M (upgraded T-80U/BVM competitor)
BT-SV sounds nice
LAV-300 and later LAV-600 are gonna be pretty cool but … XM8 and LAV-AG-105 should’ve been in US TT
Want all the BMDs in Ru TT honestly
Arjun sounds cool for the Brit TT
I’d rather see Centauro II 120 in next update and 2A7Hun in a future update
And don’t say CV90NL is coming to France
Arietes are fine, theyre played by the best players in the game.
Wouldn’t that be worse than T-72B3, with worse engine, and worse than any T-80, since it would still have horrible reverse speed and slower rate of fire?
That could be interesting!
I won’t say you’re a tech tree hater but the T-80U most definitely isn’t what it is anymore.
It’s still ridiculously stronk because of it’s amazing base armor which still makes it the ultimate W machine when played correctly. Note the word “when” because those cases are rare at top tier, as always.
remember when people were talking about the idea of aircraft carrier for naval I wonder if they will come
US: Ranger, Lexington, Essex, Midway '65
Japan: Ryojo, akagi, zuikaku
France: Bearn, Jeanne d Arc(heli only), Foch
Italy: Aquila, Cavour
Germany and Russia: lol you guys make do with Japanese and American ones
Meanwhile Britain:
HMS hermes(9.0 BR)
I mean just having carriers present in air rb matches as resupply points makes me drool but we’ll probably never see those days again
Whilst I suspect we will get a F3 (late). I think its more likely we’ll get Sea Harrier FA2 in the first update. With F3 either coming with it, or down the road alongside another addiiton like a BAE Hawk. F3 on its own would kinda suck