Oh, so that 's why netherlands is going to France. I get it now.
I’d be okay with that. Not a popular opinion but they’re our neighbours and have been allies since as far back as the Dutch air/ground tree would be able to go.
Realistically vehicles in the Dutch tree would often be operated not to far away from French vehicles on the same side. Makes more sense than the WT matchmaker pitting NATO allies against eachother every match…
Ideally BeNeLux tree of course before I piss anyone off.
Fill gap, or bring something new and interesting like South Africa
But then i hope it’s a one-off, because if the Netherlands goes to France where would Belgium go 🥺
The problem with the Trainer Jets is that while they would be very easy to have been fitted with weaponry, there is just no evidence of being fitted with such. Japan’s export laws basically suck up any interest within the Japanese Aviation Industry to fit them with weapons for potential exports.
Its a game so it shouldnt really be a problem but then people are going to be arguing about ‘accuracy’ and shit. Even if they were already clearly fitted with dummy weapons.
oh, you mean
To France as well 🤗
Judging by the North Holland map I doubt they really know the difference between the Netherlands and Belgium to be honest.
How are you gonna shove 2 subtrees in a tree that already has 5 lines 😭
No thats my point, they can just add them to 1 subtree. Dutch and Belgians next to eachother. Great cheese AND great chocolat. Sounds great.
All the stuff I’d like to see from NL/BE fits in one line.
Main stuff would actually just be a Fokker G1 somewhere and anything else is a good bonus.
French Navy could also use some Dutch stuff. Right now it’s a bit barren.
Honestly the Swiss will make a better sub tree.
Probably, I just want Dutch stuff somewhere.
Maybe they are planning Dutch navy in French tree and just add any other Dutch stuff there too for consistency.
Looking at the reaction that Thailand had and the Dutch.
Hopefully they may put the Dutch somewhere else
Also fine. As long as it’s in game.
If you want great chocolate, look no further than the Kiwis. Whittaker’s is the best chocolate I’ve ever eaten.
wait are we talking about air or ground?
but rn the French ground tree has 5 lines so i can’t see the CV9035 as anything else than a one-off
That was a joke. I wasn’t fully paying attention to the convo. Either way, however, the CV9035NL shouldn’t go to France, since it has nothing to do with France and France has indigenous options that fill the same gap.
Wasn’t the first and defo won’t be the last