Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


Indian - Great British tree

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Now that interesting and wierd missile DD. It also has quite big warhead basically twice as much TNT as Exocet. The WTM is really getting all kinds of interesting ships.

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@Smin1080p Will the jets that had Fox 3’s in the playtest also get those same Fox 3’s when they’re added? I would like to talisman the MIG29SMT now during the sale, but not if it’s not getting the R77’s.


and its gonna play like the fox so maybe 7.3 because its tracked? we dont need another light tank at 6.7 to 8.3 we need light tanks that are 9.0+

After fox, they wont give us a good IFV for at least another 2 years. So in the meantime. I wouldnt say no to finally getting the IFVs that were skipped

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So the leak could give both UK and Russia the same Indian plane yet the Canadian Leo couldn’t have the same done?

Despite that one being leaked to go to two tech-trees before.

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Ah, that sounds more logical. I guess better tho.

Lel, MiG-29 in British tree… wonder how that’ll go down if true.


yep because when we asked for a top tier light tank like every other nation in the game we get hit with the fox

I hope not again why the hell are we getting Indian vics and not say canada a nation that at the very least is anglo

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Oh wait this seems to have the idea that the UK is getting all of India when that has been denied.

Anglo is probably the weakest argument.

But it doesn’t mean there aren’t like 30+ reason that Canada would make more sense then India.

Heck Canadian, Australia, New Zealand have more reasons going for the to be part of the UK then even South Africa mutch less India.

I think Russia also operates the MiG-29K so that is probably why they both get it.

isnt the Mig29K the naval variant as well?


The scimitar could and i would say should be the reward of the bp her majestys hussars. Centurion mk2 is nice as well but the scimitar or at least scorpion would be more interesting.

Over 350% larger, but the point is the same. The irl flaws of the very lengthy launcher reload sequence and poor resolution of the missile 's seeker probably won’t be represented in WTM, but generally are here in WT; this ship appears useful as a starting point for ships w/o main calibre guns and having ARH-AShM 's ( very high damage potential w/ serious limitations on employing it, far beyond those of large guns ),
except for being for the techtree which currently already has a missile-armed bluewater vessel. The other techtree 's should be getting something comparable in configuration.

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Ya I realized it.

Tho that whole list is full of contradictions.

For one nation they use the “Commonwealth rule” and for another the use the “Tech rule”.

Despite the nation the rules are being used on would make more sense switch or both need to use the same rule.

Yes from what I found in a quick search it’s used or was used by both the Indian and Russian navy.

I want this is the main game…

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Could be interesting to see this.

But really so far all the “leaks” posted are quite obviously fake.

I would at the very least like the uk to get some of thier later ww1 bb before nations get full on ASM carriers

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