Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

that’s literally the dumbest part about this is that you LITERALLY SAID it was fake

Fake all the way through.

Far to many point this out.

I’m pretty sure that round’s name will be the main attraction of the devblog. Gaijin will probably highlight it XD

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We’re evolving backwards w/ this one - right into the realm of plausibly coming here soon:

( [Coming Soon] Destroyer Gnevnyy: Guided Missile Arrow - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free )


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I am also of the opinion that it’s fake. It’s missing too many prominent vehicles from the update to be real, for me.


I mean yea but didn’t the Chinese dude miss out half of the stuff from the last update too.
Including stuff like the Hungarian air tree.

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Considering how criminal the implementation was with 100% copy-paste, I can’t blame them for omitting it.


wtf is that missile
why they copy Hs 293 and that Ki-148 I-Go thing

I would welcome an update with filler vehicles instead of another top tier jet or tank

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Also way too many vehicles this early imo

KSShch , one of the earliest active-radar homing antiship missiles to enter service.

Depends on the nation though… it has been a while since France hasn’t had a great ground top tier vehicle

Two jets for USA?



No, prob not. But what does it mean?

The HMS Lion mentioned there is missile destroyer not the battleship Lion.

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I would rather have an ifv for france below 10.0 tbh.

Top tier may get gaijin money (with premiums) but it’s not where the players are and what makes a tree good

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no british IFV and a tornado for ARH so nothing really I care about lol at least HMS lion would be cool since my wifi died during the grind for the HMS tiger when that event was going on

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Besides the other issues, this one stands out - I haven’t seen a lineup for France ground in this area appear overnight in the months since the last major update, nor have I seen indications one will suddenly appear in the next one.

actually, just the opposite. more likely we’ll have fewer ground vehicles than normal due to all the new ones having to contain greater internal detail

It wont…

FV107 is the Scimitar