Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Oh don’t worry they come back later with their 77th flag brigade.

If someone get that joke than good lord lol.


Swords always ready to be used behind the 2 false smiles !

A chode

I wonder where this thing would go
The plane is French, but it’s also a South African upgrade with Russian components

Britain as SA is our sub tree

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We are talking about Gaijin, between France and the north pole, they will give it to north pole.

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I see that the truce has been broken from the British side.

Well Smin did say if a sub nation been added to that nation then all of it stuff will go in there.

Yea, that is why UK is not a commonwealth tt. So things from for example India can come to other tt

Well if you got it i want the ultimate one:

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Yeah but if it’s not needed they don’t need to.

People really want the game/nations to lost all originality…

That would be fine, but AASM and MICA would either be not added or would drag that thing high up in br

Well if it’s not needed they won’t add it lol

I don’t think you need F1s, Gripen is enough to wait till EF era (perhaps end of the year my guess).


Don’t crush my hope for the EAP : (

Perhaps you gonna have that with an early variant of the Rafale, but doubt, i mean if EF come i doubt Gaijin don’t give it at the same time to the 3 main users.

Afaik EAP are only for UK, not Germany and Italy ?

You see guys, UK mains left

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Yes, EAP was UK only project