Not entirely true. A laser warning system is just that, it only detects laser. Some vehicles use a Maw system similar to alot of helicopters, where the use of infrared sensors can act as a missile warning system, but really the only two we have in game are the one on the Puma and Ram Sigaul Merkavas. I’m not entirely sure about the PUMA but the Merkava should work thanks to the radars around the turret.
I can name 3 tanks that could come with just Trophy
so wait it has an IR sensor? then it should be able to warn too, i didnt knew it even had that
PUMA comes with IR sensors all around coupled with LWS, warns the crew about the backfire from a missile and, tells the crew the direction of the missile the smoke system then spins around without moving the turret and smokes the inmediate area of the missile direction
Yea it has them.
As per Black Night
It can also connect to the Iron Vision, and screens inside a tank.
could be cool it had the same thing as the PUMA, as the MUSS can even tell the crew what missile is flying at them just by looking at its database and comparing it to the characteristics saved in their database
It can diffirentiate between Ce and Ke threats, and drones, as if it knows what it is i have no idea.
ah MUSS 2.0 can detect blasts from cannons and even RPG’s but only a few PUMAS have MUSS 2.0
It can see the blast too (as it has IR E/O and it is a part of the short reaction time to for example a RPG launched from a building when a tank is on a street, video 0:54). There is no official statement if it has a database or it just compares heat signature, radar siganture, relative movement and speed to diffirentiate what is lauched at it.
i guess its just time to see how it works altough im excited for the MUSS getting a rework finally, cant wait to see it spin around that would be funny af
From the official website
Iron Fist can also have Soft Kill but that is a different story.
Sadly(or not) auto smoke feature will probably be left out, as it will mostly annoy rather than help.
who knows i just hope that if they introduce it you could turn it off cuz i dont want “german main mode” to be active all the time
I would bet something simmilar to slaving Cm to MAVs
who knows anyways unless they just decide to make it similar to a lws but for now, i really hope this change goes through with no bugs
Yea, no bugs…
New mechanic + Gaijin = no bugs?
yeah i guess too much copium there
The Merkava Raam Segol has an APS irl that somewhat works like a maw.
Iirc they said on the russian stream that they would work on a way to implement the APS as a sort of missile warning system, but nothing happened in the alpha strike update.